Anxious “Shoulds”

One of the things that has taken me by surprise in the run up to our Edinburgh fringe shows is the sheer amount of activity on Twitter.   I dipped my toe in a couple of months ago and felt an enormous surge of tagging, listing, retweeting….    I’ve been paddling since.

There is some lovely stuff going on.  The #womenoffringe tag especially has created a group of shows with a really supportive vibe, and there is a spirit of generosity around it all.

But I’m not one of the twitterati.  I don’t entirely understand how this stuff works.  And I am unsure about how to promote something without seeming shouty, or about what is the ‘right’ amount of engagement.

I want to join in.  But I’m juggling and uncertain.  So I shilly-shally between bouts of activity, and longer times thinking that I SHOULD be doing something.  Doing more.  Building presence.  Dare I say it – selling some tickets….?!  

There’s a critical inner dialogue.  “I’m rubbish at this.”, “If I don’t do more, I’m going to fail.” “Everyone else is so much better at this!”.  Some of this might be true, but it’s not very helpful.

So I write a blog.  Get it out there.  And perhaps some of the power of the “Anxious Shoulds” subsides.


Different Theatre’s shows Sary and Metamorphosis open at Edinburgh Fringe on 2 August.     Please come    🙂

image from Sary taken by Peter Williams