Welcome To A ‘Different’ Blog

Hello and welcome to this new blog, in which I will share the ups and downs of an Edinburgh Fringe first timer, as Artistic Director of Different Theatre.  

Different Theatre are a Sussex-based company, creating intimate and female-centric theatre with a twist of the surreal.  We are actually bringing two shows, both produced in collaboration with Sweet Productions.  Details are here: #Sary; #Metamorphosis.

Whether stretching to two shows in our first #EdFringe is a good call, or a gross error, only time will tell…..!  Either way, it will be a massive learning experience, and I hope to share some of that with you all, alongside some unbridled excitement and perhaps a few sleep-deprived rants. 

I will also be trying to get to see as much new writing as I can.

You can follow or message me on @DiffTheatre.

Happy Fringe!
