Edinburgh Fringe
Years: 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009
Edinburgh Fringe 2010

Highly interactive theatre company attempt to slice a new route into Shakespeare by excavating the raw emotions and primal psychology behind the tragedies

If you sit very still and say very little then no-one can tell whether you’ve got dementia or not.

In the sequel to last year's success, 'Bane', Joe Bone once again demonstrates phenomenal performance skill whilest also really enjoying himself onstage.

Battle Acts! Improvised Comedy
Well, thank God for a bit of energy and passion on stage. And thank God for Battle Acts!

Belt Up Theatre take over The House Above and give their own slant on Sophocles' classic tragedy.

Belt Up Theatre take over The House Above and dismantle one of the earliest works of western literature.

Belt Up Theatre take over The House Above and take us to the dark heart of JM Barrie's imagination.

A claustrophobic, grotesquely sensual take on Victor Hugo’s hunchback story with moments of vivid poetry and clever narrative play

Bud Take The Wheel I Feel A Song Coming On
This new play about a family living in the shadow of a defunct mill and their own dysfunctional past is surprisingly hopeful and sparklingly written

'Show not tell' is the motto of this laugh-out-loud sketch show that's all about breasts

Carnival Knowledge: Love, Lust and Other Human oddities
A rip-roaring yarn on one woman’s search through LA for ‘the one’….or is that ‘the two’?

There’s a murderer in town, and his weapon of choice is ten inches long, made of latex, and possibly battery powered. Is he insane, or just going about things half-cocked?

Do You Know Where Your Daughter Is?
Well, do you? Chances are they may have gone to see this riveting production.

Much wailing and gnashing of (pointed) teeth in this clever re-imagining of the horror classic.

Emma Thomson Presents Fair Trade
This is a searching and thought-provoking examination of the increasing trade in women as sex slaves, although it skimps on rounding out the villains of the piece.

At the tick tick tock of her biological clock, Abi struggles with indecision from her crown Prince ..

Slickly physical one-man show freezes a single moment in time and captures a world in moral and economic freefall

Fine food and site specific entertainment make for a thoroughly enjoyable night at the inn

Packed tightly into a white box, an audience can't help but feel involved in this fall-out from a topical humans rights abuse.

Morgan and West: Time Travelling Magicians
A delightful magic show couched in funny and inventive Victoriana.

Mussolini – A One Man Political Farce
Ross Gurney-Randall’s impressive portrayal of Italy’s most notorious leader

Shakespeare’s Mothers: Mad, Bad And Dangerous To Know
Well-spoken chunks of Shakespeare's nasty women

Three young people in search of life, love and sex. Closer, or not even close?

Roles are reversed as the dummy becomes the manipulator. A class act from a leading ventriloquist.

Spiffing tales of daring-do from three gallant gentlemen and two elegant ladies.

Out of the fog of mystery emerges an interesting conclusion to this age old connundrum

A feast of theatre, dance and music that flows seamlessly into an organic whole.

A surprisingly moving story of an immigrant tailor coming to Scotland after the war.

Tom Binns is Ian D. Montfort – Touching the Dead
Of the highest quality on every level. Absolutely hilarious.

Your Days Are Numbered : The Maths of Death
Differential look at the laws of probability from two upper decile performers