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FringeReview UK 2020


A first-rate distillation of cop drama, into the theatre of cop’s lives.

Scenes with girls

Scenes with girls owns a buzz, a life, a difference about loving that gives it a sliver of unique.

The Merchant of Venice

A fleet traversal memorable for insights the company bring during and after their performance of it

The Taming of the Shrew

See it and you’ll never think of the Shrew without this groundbreaking stab at the dreams of men.

The Two Noble Kinsmen

We’re looking at a bright Book of Hours. Barrie Rutter’s done it profound service, adding a warmth and agency that opens up this pageant. This is hopefully just the first of many such he’ll bring to the Globe.

The Visit

Kushner’s just brought The Visit home with him.

The Winter’s Tale

Enjoy its slow burn miracles.

The Winter’s Tale

Far more than a curate’s egg, this production reveals things we’ve never seen

This House

Vibrant proof as to why it’s been called the play of the decade

You Stupid Darkness!

Bleakly funny, with flickers of tragedy, to make you see how redemptive kindness is