By Jordan Blackwood, Army@TheFringe producer
It’s good to be back on stage at The Edinburgh Fringe. Last year we went digital and it worked well. But there’s huge yearning among performers and audiences alike to get back into venues and to soak up the atmosphere that is unique to in-person performance.
A mark of that is that we sold around a third of available tickets within four days of them going on sale last week. Regardless of the reduced numbers we’re allowed in the venue at Hepburn House, due to COVID restrictions, it’s been an overwhelming response.
Partly due to the reduction in seating, and also to give people everywhere the chance to enjoy what’s on offer, some shows and events will be hybrids – streamed as well as in-person.
As ever Army@TheFringe aims to present bold, high-quality, independently produced performance art of many kinds. And for 2021 we’ve come up with our broadest programme yet, with theatre, comedy, cabaret, installation, conversation and more.
It will explore everything from the tales of Gorbals folk heroes, the experiences of a Pakistani family arriving in 60s Scotland and a dramatic escape from the Soviet Bloc to a magic show inspired by the tricks which fooled the smartest minds and a variety show packed with comedy, music and fun.
- The Trick That Fooled – Kevin Quantum
- Tickbox – Lubna Kerr
- Tunnels – Further Theatre
- The Mind Is The Frontline – Rosie Kay
- Live @ The Drill Hall – with Mark McKenzie.
- Punch, with Johnny – The Arts Enigma
- Dandelion – Creative Electric.
Over the next few weeks there will be a series of blogs by the people behind these shows – offering some insights on their lives and work.
We’ll probably also introduce one or two of the Army folk who’ve turned on a pin to go from COVID-related operational and public safety missions to organising a Fringe venue and helping support the revival of one of the world’s great cultural festivals.
- Find out more and book tickets at