Latitude 2018

Lucia at the Alcove Stage, Latitude

Genre: Live Music, Music
Venue: Latitude 2018
Festival: Latitude
Low Down
Bubbling under the surface of the cities DIY indie scene for the past year, Glasgow’s LUCIA is set to take own of 2018 with the release of her new single ‘Melted Ice Cream’. Mixing the bubblegum aesthetic of The Ronettes and Best Coast, with the seething punk attitude of Bikini Kill, LUCIA channels relatable simplicity in her lyrics, detailing the trials of a doomed teenage friendship and angst across Spector-esque production.
Lucia start strong and then make the excellent decision to carry on strong. A four-piece from Glasgow with lots of energy. Power chords, three-chord garage indie, heavy on the pedals. Noticeable nineties influences. Female vocalist/lead guitarist with a very strong voice. What is there not to like?
The Alcove Tent is small and tucked away and it’s an uncomfortably hot lunchtime, but Lucia still make the sweaty crowd nod, sway and clap happily. We’re all quite old. I bet if you got a load of the kids in here they’d love this, not that you’d ever find kids this far from the main arenas. Well ok, if you put these guys on the Obelisk Stage they’d be right at home.
Just enough arrogance is a difficult act to pull off, but Lucia from out-of-off-of Lucia does it right. She belongs on the stage. She has the confidence to sing in her own accent and not go mid-Atlantic. They all have it. The guitarist stalks the stage like a panther with cool/terrible/terribly-cool hair. The bassist looks like he skipped school to be here, and didn’t bother to take his blazer off. The drummer has so much glossy hair he looks like a cross between Animal from the muppets and a Timotei commercial. In a good way!
At the end the band lope off as only the very young can, in a howl of angry feedback, exactly as they should. I hope Lucia have a bright, loud future. I would happily see them again, and for a longer set.