Browse reviews

Edinburgh Fringe 2019

Zoe Lyons: Entry Level Human

Zoe Lyons

Genre: Comedy, Stand-Up

Venue: Gilded Balloon


Low Down

Zoe Lyons has been watching us, closely, and asked ‘Why, in God’s name, did you do that?’. Here she provides some of the answers.


Over the last few year’s Zoe’s comedy star has been rising steadily. Now she is one of the most ‘in demand’ comedians in the country. A radio and tv regular her keen observations and sharp wit, coupled with some clowning around make her a reliable and bankable talent.

This was an audience of fans, come to enjoy the show, and they did.

In this show she highlights some of the recent changes that have gone on in Britain and the wider world. She talks about social issues, culture, politics and her home life. Her skill is in delivering an in-depth analysis and layering it with gags, put downs and punchlines. There is a savaging of elements of popular culture and a delightful idea for an advertising campaign. The satire always punches up and hits hard. She is a very clever and articulate comedian.

Her gaze is not always turned outward, she applies the same technique to herself and her home life. Although this is never in a ‘Look at me way’ but rather to feed a line into the next part of the show.

Indeed the structure of the show is cleverly done. The signposting and segues seem natural and unforced. She sticks with the central theme, Entry Level Human, returning and linking back to it repeatedly. I won’t spoil the surprise by explaining it. She leads to a conclusion that seems so natural, you wonder how it could have been otherwise.

Gags are slickly performed. Anecdotes rich in detail. Accents and characters are perfectly delivered. Given space on a large stage, she uses it to her full advantage. There is more physical comedy in this show, than in previous years. Her expressions, poses and delivery style are more animated and a fitting adjunct to the material. Such is her confidence and ability one excellent gag is delivered with her back to the audience.

When you book a known ‘name’, as an audience member you know what you to expect. Zoe delivers that in spades. This was a quality show, performed by a skilled craftswoman who has honed her act. It was enjoyed by a full house, and it prompted many to stand and applaud at the end of the show. It is Highly Recommended.
