Presenting The Iliad in Under an Hour! Paul Levy talks to Claire Goodall about The Iliad

Presenting The Iliad in Under an Hour! Paul Levy talks to storyteller Claire Goodall about The Iliad which takes place in an intimate space (The Black Dove) during the Brighton Fringe. “It is the tenth year of the siege of Troy, the year that Calchas the soothsayer has predicted the city will fall.  The mightiest Princes of Ancient Greece are camped in their 1000 black, beached ships, desperate for revenge for the kidnapping of Helen, the world’s most beautiful woman.  This award winning version of the Iliad uses storytelling and music to tell the classic tale in 55 minutes. It brings to life the large cast of characters – even if that life then ends brutally in bloodshed.”

Listen to our interview with Claire Goodall about The Iliad