A brand new comedy series from Newhaven Film Co. Seaside Town by Warren Dudley premieres on Sunday 18th November 2018. (You can book tickets for the unmissable premiere here and here). Paul Levy caught up with Warren (who also wrote the screenplay for highly acclaimed The Bromley Boys), and producers Graham Precey and Mark Beaumont at The Hope Inn Newhaven. Made with the local community’s support and some of them acting for the first time, that hasn’t stopped this touching, funny, and heartful top drawer TV series heading for Amazon Prime in the very near future. Local boys Graham and Mark share the story of how the idea for Seaside Town was born, and how they tempted fellow local Warren into the proceedings to do a lot more than just penning the excellent script and screenplay. “Write what you like!” they said to Warren. Warren did just that.
“When an international soccer star is sent to work with the a kids team in Newhaven, East Sussex, the locals get way more than they bargained for.” (Watch the Season One trailer)
Listen to our interview with Warren Dudley, Graham Precey and Mark Beaumont about Seaside Town