Telling Three Necessary LGBTI Stories Through Theatre: Paul :Levy talks to Jamie Gittins about Rights of Passage








Paul Levy talks to Producer Jamie Gittins from Pembroke Players about Rights of Passage by Clare Summerskill.

“Miremba, a Ugandan woman forced to leave her girlfriend and marry. Izzuddin, a Malay man who’s scholarship is removed when his sexuality is revealed. Hamed, an Iranian man who is told by the British Home Office that he is not gay. In their countries they are defined and oppressed based on their sexuality, in England their identity is denied without evidence. They are all asylum seekers, they are all LGBT+, and their stories are all true. Persecuted in their countries, their oppression doesn’t end when they come to England. Their voices are taken away from them.”

Listen to our interview with Jamie Gittins about Rights of Passage