Memories and Life Events in Humorous Storytelling: Jo Tomalin talks to Rohan Candappa about humour and how he writes and develops humourous stories and One Starts in a Barber’s. One Starts in a Bar.

Using memories and life events to create a humourous show:  Jo Tomalin talks with writer and performer Rohan Candappa about spoken word, developing humor and One Starts in a Barber’s. One Starts in a Bar. Being made redundant after several years  years in a job was a source for material that touched a nerve with audiences. It’s all about storytelling!

A thought-provoking show about haircuts and heartache. One half’s funny, one half’s moving. One half’s spoken word, one half’s drama. One’s a man looking back, one’s a woman looking in. One’s a boy discovering that the barber’s is where you learn “man stuff”. One’s a woman discovering who she really is after a man in a bar asks ‘and you are?’. Preview audiences loved it: ‘A couple of blazing performances’ ‘Superbly well crafted’, ‘A tapestry of ideas, scenes, colour – wonderful’, ‘F*cking brilliant – as they’d say down the barber’s.’

Listen to our interview with Rohan Candappa

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