Beowulf and Grendfel is a faithfully told version of this legendary tale from Tawnydog Productions. In this interview performer and adapter Evan Quinlan discusses the original “codex”, the original text from which this show at CC Blooms as part of PBH’s Free Fringe has been adapted. This is “the gripping tale of a prince’s struggle against evil, adapted and performed by award-nominated actor Evan Quinlan, brought to you by the people behind the fringe hit Brain Hemingway. ” The story? “Prince Beowulf has answered a neighboring kingdom’s call for aid when they are set upon by a vicious monster called Grendel. Quinlan’s adaptation from the translation by Francis Barton Gummere brings to life the quintessential adventure epic, concluding in the iconic clash of epic poetry’s most legendary characters.”
In this interview Paul Levy talks to Evan about the process of creating the show, the choices made when bringing a version of a 3,000 line poem to the Fringe, the difference between the audience at that time in history compared to a modern audience, the stagrcraft choices and some of the core themes of the story.