As part of the 2018 Women of the Fringe Networking event at Fringe Central, Luke Tudball catches up with some members of the companies of two new shows at Edinburgh Fringe – 3 Years, 1 Week, and a Lemon Drizzle and 30 Days of Blood to talk about communicating difficult issues with empathy, mental health, free cake, and bringing women into the limelight.
3 Years, 1 Week, and a Lemon Drizzle
“The show pieces together Alexandra and Kate Donnachie’s sometimes heartbreaking but often hilarious memories of growing up together and managing their close bond when older sister, Alexandra, developed a severe eating disorder. When Alexandra (finally) decided to ask Kate what that time was like for her, she began cooking up ideas for this autobiographical show – albeit before Kate agreed to be in it. This is a performance that recalls on touching memories, shares laugh-out-loud anecdotes and melts Mars bars to bring to stage a story about living with an eating disorder.“
30 Days of Blood
“Blood, sweat, and… tampons? Sara’s period just won’t stop – she is covered in it – or is it the blood of her last victim that still sticks warm on her limbs? Watch her fight a storm of tampons and confront her ridiculously handsome vegan housemate before breaking out into song while ripping apart raw meat. Anyone can enjoy this visceral cabaret exploration of womanhood, a highly sensory experience featuring live music and physical comedy. After all, everybody bleeds from time to time.“
Luke Tudball Talks To Three Years One Week and Lemon Drizzle and Thirty Years of Blood