We are privileged to welcome Walter DeForest as a guest blogger for FringeReview.
Walter’s show, Van Gogh Find Yourself #VGFY, is part of PBH’s Free Fringe.
“Based upon the letters of Vincent and Theo and the Memoirs of Vincent’s stay in Auvers-sur-Oise by Adeline Ravoux, DeForest sets the record straight on a true artist’s personal struggle for humanity. You think you know the truth? #VanGoghFindYourself, please. #VGFY. Note: Walter DeForest was born with a hole in his heart on July 30th. On July 30th, Vincent was buried. He died from a gunshot wound to the chest.”
Art made by my audience, #vgfy
Aug 22, 2017
A wonderful Fringe so far, more to come as I have been swimming in art created by the audience during my show.
For my Mum, a WORLD RECORD WEEK & #FreeArt #vgfy
Thursday, Aug 10th is my late Mum’s Birthday. Corinne Grady DeForest was funny, genuine, thoughtful and witty. I wish she was here in Edinburgh. She would love it. I remember her when she would get excited, she would smile and say, “Can You Feel It?”
Yes Ma, I can feel it, thank you. I chose Aug. 10th to remember her by while I beat the World Record for Most Portraits in 12 Hours.
Edinburgh is filled with a buzz I can not describe at moments, it fills my heART and at the same time is terrifying. I choose to strive on and I now have her here in Edinburgh, in my heART and a World Record to boot.

Raising awareness of Mental Health was my focus in doing the World Record Challenge and all the proceeds from the day went to Support in Mind Scotland
I am proud to help in any way possible. To open a dialogue regarding mental health.
I suffer from anxiety and depression. But I am doing the Fringe no matter what. I am doing it. I am living my dream of performing, performing in Edinburgh, performing an emotional, moving, heartfelt piece about Vincent Van Gogh, a misunderstood loving soul.
I gain so much from doing it, from going out and trying. It is hard to see at times. It is hard to talk about my feelings and share my experiences. It’s true that I feel like a failure at times. I feel everyone else has their acts together but me. These are normal thoughts for me. for example, when I draw in the street and Busk I feel like a joke – but I do it anyway, and when I see someone smile because I am giving them #freeArt, it’s all worth it.
Giving is what I do to get out of my head and into my heART.

Here’s an Article from Support in Mind Scotland:
12 hours, 163 portraits and a new record for Walter
I am filling in for a spot that bailed. I love playing new rooms and large rooms… now I just posted on FB hoping this helps bring people.: Cheers and thanks for the Opportunity. I’ll post the results tomorrow Wish me luck

2nd Entry- at the Stafford Center on Broughton Street, I was live on the radio again with Lord Sir DJ Mog from Radio Stafford 103. http://radiostafford103.co.uk/radio.phtml
I met Mike Staley last year, he is (sir Lord DJ Mog).
I said to myself I would get down to the Stafford Center more often this year – and this is my 1st visit in 2017. I am in the cafe here and in the morning they have walking groups- they have a 6.75 mile walk on Aug- 28th- they take a bus and have a great walk and then come back. Maybe I’ll sign up for that- A nice walk in Nature to recharge my batteries.
Sir Lord DJ Mog and I were chatting about the World Record Attempt I am doing on Aug 10th. I am attempting this to raise awareness for Mental Health and all proceeds will go to Support in Mind Scotland –
My late Mum, Corinne Grady DeForest was born on Aug-10 so it’s a special day for me and I am proud to make this happen in her memory.
Planning Thursdays event- I need art supplies – Umbrellas – Volunteers – People coming to support –
I am anxious, overwhelmed, inspired, terrified and looking for help. I remember to breathe. and breathe again.
Yesterday during my show I see someone sit down and it’s Sandra from NYC with whom I’ve started my NYC acting career with Aching Dogs Theatre.
My flat mates from Amsterdam left this morning – they responded to my advert on AirBnB post: Live with Van Gogh @ The Edinburgh Festival Fringe
I’ve had 2 researchers from S. Korea, 2 vacationers from Amsterdam, my former NYC roomate coming in from Kazahkstan, my fellow Bartender sebastian from NYC’s Best Bar Ryan’s Daughter
It’s so much to worry about- towels Keys – clean sheets- Getting a French press since day one but it’s already the 7th and I still don’t have it – oh- well.
Update on French Press Aug- 8 – Purchased one – Coffee is wonderful in the morning 🙂
6th August 2017
Today- 1st entry – just had a conversation with an artist who said – the best thing about the fringe is the people you meet. I agree totally. I started my journey from last years Edinburgh Festival Fring feeling there was so much I missed but in saying this I now realize there was so much I experienced as well.
This year I went to London again and did my preview at The Van Gogh Cafe in Brixton. I bumped into people I met last year. I went to Paint Jam London and met graffiti artist, ARTISTA. I went back to BBC Radio on the Jo Good show
I am at the Natural Food Kafe Please stop by
Ciao for now as I realize I have to go to the Social Anxiety Parade by Peter Michael Marino. Go se his wonderful show – Show UP.
with a firm handshake-