Comedy picks to help you get the best out of the Edinburgh Fringe

Every year, Paul Levy asks me for a list of the top ten ‘must-see’ comedy shows at Edinburgh Fringe. This year there are 1,520 comedy shows to see. Working through the list, it is clear that ten isn’t going to do it. So, I’ve compiled a list of shows that I’d build my comedy fringe around.

For me, the fringe is a wonderful opportunity to see amazing shows. It is easy to fall into the safe option of only seeing big names from ‘off the telly’. There is nothing wrong with seeing these acts, but if you have got a limited budget/time, why not wait until their tour show comes to your home town? and give your comedy capital to some of the lesser-known lights.

With that in mind, here are some tips for getting the best out of your fringe.

  • Depending on the length of your stay, book a big name a day. This will give you confidence that you’ll see something you like. After a while, you’ll stop doing this and enjoy steps 2-7.
  • Book one name you’ve never heard of but like the sound of.
  • Go to Work In Progress shows.
  • Take in compilation shows; it is a great way to spread your budget and see someone new.
  • Ask other fringe goers who they’d recommend and why. People love to talk about shows they’ve seen.
  • I love to play FRINGE BINGO. The rules are simple: show up at the venue’s box office and see the next show, regardless of what it is. The only rule is that you must go!
  • Don’t forget the Free Fringe or be put off by Pay as You Go. There’s brilliant talent on display.
  • If a show is good, leave them a review and thank them on social media.

Anyway, here is a list of shows I’d like to see. I haven’t posted all the venues and links; you can find the details easily enough.

Danny Bhoy: Dear World… In 2014, Danny Bhoy was my first Fringe comedy show. I loved it.

Paul Currie: Teet – I’ve written extensively about why I think Paul is funny. When I see his incredibly creative comedy, I don’t just laugh, I feel happy.

Ian Stone is Keeping it Together – Out of the many hundreds of comedy shows I’ve seen, Ian is the only comic to make me cry with laughter twice.

Jessica Fostekew: Mettle – I saw Hench and thought the show was an absolute smash.

Jazz Emu: Knight Fever – Madly inventive musical comedy.

Shaggers – It’s a hit at fringe festivals all over the world, and let’s face it, who doesn’t like a rude joke or two?

Neil Delamere: Neil by Mouth – One of Ireland’s finest comedians.

Nina Gilligan: Goldfish – Chortle voted her ‘Best Club Comedian’.

Dave Chawner: 6 Steps to Success. – Clever, funny and one of the nicest comedians on the circuit.

Ahir Shah: Ends – A beautifully constructed hour of comedy.

Mark Thomas: Gaffa Tapes – A comedy legend, making a career out of ‘fucking up people’.

Nurse Georgie Carroll: Sister Flo 2.0 – A comedy sensation.

Randy Felt Face: First Banana – This shouldn’t work, but it does!

Foil, Arms and Hogg: Skittish – Fringe and internet legends. An insanely high hit rate for sketch comedy.

Jenny Collier: The Title of the Show is The Sound of a Burp. Funny and original.

Jo Jo Sutherland – A Scottish Legend, blows you away with in-your-face comedy.

Susie McCabe: Merchant of Menace. Another Scottish legend.

Simon Evans: Alas Smith and Hume. Brilliant, intelligent and dryly delivered comedy.

Tony Law: The Law Also Rises. I’m not sure Tonny always knows what he is going to say next, but he does it with passion.

Jordan Brookes: Fontanelle. Jordan brings comedy anarchy to his show. Once saw me taking review notes and proceeded to roast me for the rest of the show.

Samantha Day: The Generations Game. A talented comedian on her way up.

Vittorio Angelone: Who do you think you are? I Am! Accomplished comedy and smooth delivery.

Joe Wells: Daddy Autism – Insightful and thought-provoking comedy.

Catherine Bohart: Again, with Feelings – Another top Irish comedian.

Craig Hill: I’ve Been Sitting on This For A While. A Scottish institution. A master of audience interaction and a little bit rude.

Daliso Chaponda: Feed This Black Man Again. Accomplished stand-up by a comedian who knows what he’s doing.

Jordan Barr: Beast. Fast-paced stand-up with a dark undercurrent.

Edward Aczel: Running on Empty. Irresistibly funny comedy.

Frank Sanazi’s Mein Way. Imagine that Hitler performed as Frank Sinatra…You will laugh, ja.

Freddy Quinne: In Sickness. Quality comedy.

Markus Birdman: We are all in the gutter… Marcus has been around for a while, and for good reason.

Nathan Cassidy: The Spine Who Shagged Me. Very clever comedy, with a twist in the tail.

Sorry, Paul, I couldn’t keep it down to ten!

Have a great fringe.

Photo Credit: Steve Best