Fringe Online
Years: 2023 2022 2021 2020
Fringe Online 2020

Brenton powerfully concertinas a continent’s politics and one artist’s refraction of it. Wong is outstanding

15 Heroines: 15 Monologues Adapted from Ovid
Groundbreaking. The smallest producing theatre in the West End through lockdown has become the largest.

Stoppard looks at society’s phantom limb ethic. Even when it’s gone it aches, and it aches to have someone opting out.

Barber Shop Chronicles is a breath-taking revelation for those of us who had small inkling of a world in miniature.

Renders huge black experience into a narrative that bears it, because so well-constructed, so character-driven and so inhabited by Michael Balogun whose blaze of awakening is both benediction and clarion.

Will leave you in a heap and wonder what else Lauren Gunderson has written that comes near this.

Upton’s notches of logic are nudged with brilliance, the actual narrative a granular run-up to an enormous yes.

Epic eavesdropping casts that ultimate spell: reading ourselves by flashes of lightning.

San Francisco Fringe Festival 2020 Sneak Peek!
Catch a taste of what's to come at the 2021 San Francisco Fringe Festival!

A fantastical run through the falls of Empires and how we, as subjects, can and should rise up and take the advantages back for the common good.

Tells us more truthfully then any play has, the heroism that hardens, the sacrifice that endures.