FringeReview UK

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FringeReview UK 2021

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Even more than 2019, a carnival riot of joy – with enough misdirection to evoke moonshine

Branching Out

Three very fine and one outstanding work, Scratches – the best kind of play on depression, self-harm, black holes. Because it’s screamingly funny and deeply connected to why we do theatre.

Last Easter

After all the uproar, it’s a quiet blinder.

Living Newspaper #4

We need this. Watch.

Living Newspaper #6

Like all the Royal Court’s Living Newspaper series, we need this. Watch what this does with the future

New Moon Monologues March

Don’t be lulled by the friendly colours and fluffy fonts. Queen of Cups is absolutely a company to watch, and its showcase productions are literally unmissable


A sleeping classic in the making