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FringeReview UK 2024


It’s conquered both sides of the pond. Stunning, heartwarming, heartbreaking. We need this.

All’s Well That Ends Well

Ruby Bentall’s Helen enters near the top of the list.

Cat On a Hot Tin Roof

Frecknall has re-thought and refreshed one of the great, and classically-framed American dramas. And made it classic.

Cutting the Tightrope: The Divorce of Politics from Art

An essential, raging and ranging collection of works flashing with humour and teeth, flecked with harrowing stories and above all love for a humanity the establishment wishes us to other and consign to tragedy. A must-see.

Hide and Seek

An absorbing two-hander with as unexpected an ending as Lauren Gunderson’s I and You

Suite in Three Keys

A once-in-a-generation masterpiece of revival. This is what we’ve been missing.

Sutura Gayle The Legends of Them

A portable world everyone should hear. Stunning.

The Promise

With a first-rate cast and team it’s a groundbreaking work.

Twelfth Night

Tom Littler again brings an intimate, wintry music to middle Shakespeare: it’s his unique gift. Never sour, never sweet without salt, and with very few reservations, a definitive close-up Twelfth Night.

{Title of Show}

Delicious, certainly, truly witty and fast-moving, never indulgent about self-indulgence, this is a sure-fired soufflé