Laughing Horse comedy, pioneers and stalwarts of free fringe are back with a packed schedule in 2019.
You only pay on the way out. So it goes…
This is affordable, free-spirited, fresh fringe.
Essential Links
Visit the Laughing Horse Brighton web site and browse the shows
Find a venue
See what’s on at the Caroline of Brunswick
See what’s on at The Quadrant
See what’s on at The Temple Bar
Find a free theatre show
Find a free cabaret show
Find a free comedy show
Find a free children’s show
Find a free spoken word show
Find some free music
Find a free chat show
Follow them on Twitter
I want to see…
Our intelligent and intuitive way to find a show or event at Sweet Venues.
I want to see…
We’ll be adding more recommendations in the run up to, and during the Fringe.
Link Collage
Here’s a different way to find a show at Sweet Venues
We’ve chosen a few intriguing images from the programme that grabbed us.
Click on an image that draws you and you’ll find a show – then get booking…
Coming soon for 2020.
Keyword Chaos
We’ve selected evocative phrases from the Laughing Horse programme.
Click on the ones that intrigue you and you might just find the show you need to see…
Coming soon for 2020.
We’ll be adding more recommended shows to our Keyword Chaos during the Fringe.