About nine months into Covid, a friend and I decided to remain hopeful by booking a trip to Yellowstone National Park. Little did I know that by the time we were there, I would also be rehearsing for the World Premiere of my show at the Brighton Fringe Festival. That’s right! I started live streaming the show literally the day after I get back on May 28.

That meant voice lessons, dance practice and run throughs in the living room of our rented condo between visits to the park where we saw bears, bison, wolves and all manner of animals in the splendor that is Yellowstone.

To top it off, a pregnant elk we named Meredith came and stayed in our backyard! We even visited a train depot museum that had a room full of vintage suitcases – reminded me of the suitcases that are my set.
Hope you enjoy these photos. See you next week on the Road to Edinburgh Fringe!