A rather casual conversation at last year’s Edfringe about all the waste it creates led to the question ‘could we do it differently?’ and it turns out we can. Or, at least, BoxedIn Theatre can. They have created a zero waste venue, The Greenhouse, and an eco themed programme.
It was a bit of a surprise at Meet the Media to be approached by a young woman bearing… just a phone. No press release, no flyers, no extravagant costume. Just a plain tee shirt (from a charity shop) with ‘GH’ appliqued on it. ‘We’re the only zero waste venue’ she said ‘what’s your email and we’ll send you our programme and press material’. Well, had to hear more about that!
The Greenhouse is based by the entrance to Dynamic Earth. There is a certain irony in this as the company pointed out when I visited and we tried to find three minutes when there wasn’t a coach driving past.
What started as popping down to Dynamic Earth to do a short audio interview with Oli of BoxedIn turned into a bit of a marathon. Everyone wanted to take part and there were so many interesting things to talk about in their innovative approach to zero waste at the Fringe that we talked for over an hour.
So, here are four short interviews/podcasts about different aspects of their approach – in about ten minute chunks so you can listen to a particular one that interests you or just wander through them at your leisure.
In summary they are:
- The concept, where the idea came from, how it developed and became a Greenhouse, or rather a small wooden house on a green, next to Dynamic Earth. How they built it and what from…
- Zero waste shows – marketing, props, costumes…
- Programming – the choice of shows and the theme
- The wider world: how The Greenhouse fits into the Fringe as a whole and how it might develop.
First I heard about the conversations that started the idea, how it developed and came to life as the Greenhouse:
Listen to our interview with BoxedIn Theatre about the beginnings of The Greenhouse
And it really is possible to run a show using entirely found items, upcycled or recycled costume and props, and, above all, no flyers.
Listen to our interview with BoxedIn Theatre about running zero waste shows
The programme of nine shows all have an environmental theme…
Listen to our interview with BoxedIn Theatre about environmentaly themed programming
(click on the GH image for details of all the shows)
And finally, the group share how Pleasance are supporting them, and discuss the ways in which the Greenhouse and their zero waste approach might influence the fringe more widely.