Where do you start with impro at the Fringe? It’s been growing for years and now there are plenty of shows on offer. It claims to never require a script, but nearly all of then have an underpnning, more or less hidden, structure. There are a range of formats, some which grew out of competitive impro (Look up “Theatresports”). The majority used to be game based (based around Whose Line is it Anyway, with others improvising more “long form” (the one basic idea stretched for the whole show). So, you will need to dip in and follow the word on the street, the reputations and the reviews. Or you might just take pot luck and dive in. So, what to see?
I want to see…

… a partially interactive, fully improvised one-person theatrical experience using a digital avatar. Then see George-prov: An Improvised Theatrical Experience
… a late night show set in a courtroom where the audiences’ accusations are played out fully in court. Then see This Is Your Trial (Unleashed)

… a TikTok-viral improv comedy group, featuring chaotic games, epic scenes, and ever-so-slightly unhinged performances. Then see Shoot From The Hip
… some mid-afternoon imprpvised comedy Shakespeare. Then see ShakeItUp: The Improvised Shakespeare Show
… some imprpvised comedy history. Then see Hysterical Artefacts
… a legendary improvised musical troupe. Then see Baby Wants Candy And also see Showstopper! The Improvised Musical

… some off-the-wall, clownish improv in a bus. Then see Two Little Dickheads: Slot Fillers
… improv comedy on the theme of dating. Then see Dating Crapp
… a two-person show where the second person changes each night andperformer is given the script 24 hours ahead of time and is told on stage at the beginning of the performance which role they are playing. Then see Hey Pamela? Yes Pamela?
… some afternoon imprpvised myths and legends. Then see The Silliad: Improvised Myths and Legends. Also check out Spontadeity: Whomst Let the Gods Out?! (Improv)
… improvisers, controlled by AI chatbots. Then see Artificial Intelligence Improvisation
… some quiz-based gameshow improv. Then see Sounds Like
… some long form comedy improv. Then see An Improvised Jane Austen Novel
… an all women comedy improv troup from Ireland. Then see Broad Strokes Improv
… some free improv, based on palindromes. Then see Palindrome Fight!

… some family-friendly improv comedy adventuring. Then see Aaaand Now For Something Completely Improvised
… some improv with tech and music twists. Then see Abandoman: Future Fest
… family friendly improv sketch comedy. Then see Absolute Improv!
… late afternoon improvised Sherlock Holmes. Then see Adventures of the Improvised Sherlock Holmes
… an improvised Doctor Who sci-fi parody. Then see Any Suggestions, Doctor? The Improvised Doctor Who Parody
… some science-based improv at lunchtime for 12s and over an hour-long improvised play about endangered species. Then see Wild Things

… top improvisers at the Fringe, a different show every night, with scenes inspired by monologues from you, the audience. Then see Kiell Smith-Bynoe and Friends: Kool Story Bro
… legends of comedy improv, fringe regulars. Then see Paul Merton’s Impro Chums
… an improvised hip-hop musical. Then see Shamilton! The Improvised Hip Hop Musical
… scenes inspired by spontaneous songs created by musicians surrounded by instruments. Then see Sheila’s Sister and Her Musical Cousins
… some free improv comedy, a highly acclaimed improv comedy pair. Then see Men With Coconuts
… a 10pm improv show – an uproarious and uplifting improv party, with prizes, songs, a clown and plenty of chaotic hilarity. Then see Shiny Things – Improv Party
… a comedy improv movie adventure. Then see Improvabunga! Followed by Film Club: An Improvised Comedy
… an improvised whodunnit, murder mystery. Then see Locomotive for Murder: The Improvised Whodunnit. Then see Murder Inc, followed by Fringe favourites Murder, She Didn’t Write. Oh, and did I mention CSI: Crime Scene Improvisation?
… drink-fueled comedy improvised Shakespeare. Then see Sh!t-faced Shakespeare®: Romeo and Juliet. And, for kids of 5 and over (without drunk actors), then see Improvised Rubbish Shakespeare – The Incomplete Works
… a comedy improv show based on the TV legendary show, Friends. Then see MATES: The Improvised 90s Sitcom
… some competitive improv comedy. Then see Improv Cage Match. And for a show based on a board game, see
Board Game Smackdown
We’ll be growing this list in the run up to, and during the Fringe.