Review: Treasure Island
First-rate youth theatre, creatives and cast excel: detailed, funny, not to be taken over-seriously, then quite a bit more so.
Review: Treasure Island
First-rate youth theatre, creatives and cast excel: detailed, funny, not to be taken over-seriously, then quite a bit more so.
Review: Hedda Gabler
A lovely piece of drama performed by a young company managing to capture the essence of the piece and add something new.
Review: The Wizard of Oz
Follow the Yellow Brick Road ….to this fun and imaginative production of a favourite musical.
Review: The Birds
Enthusiastic, melodramatic teenage version of a Greek classic which hits the mark. This is a faithful adaptation with a nice cultural twist. It is emblematic rather than naturalistic but enchants whilst it drives the story forward. The use of recognisable music helps keep us entertained whilst making additional comment upon the action and thus enhances the production.
Review: The Last Beginning
A group of students fight their way to their new existential world! Expect physical theatre, lightsabers, silk acrobatics and a giant buckyball!
Review: Oliver!
There’s not a moment in this two-hours-40 where you’re not at the edge of your seat. The best musical revival this year. Don’t wait till it transfers to the West End.
Review: Project Y Evolution
A performance guided by the scope of ambition with an energetic and able group of confident dancers.
Review: The Accrington Pals
Actors and director can take pride in mounting this intensely moving play, especially in the sheer flow they all bring to Act Two, blazing an arc of ever-growing tensions. It could carry anywhere. ACT did it some service, and must know it.
Review: How to Be Lost
A wonderful piece of theatre which uses the considerable abilities of the performers onstage to ironically direct us into how to be lost!
Review: The Kettling
Highly effective piece of youth theatre drama ostensibly covering climate change but including a whole lot more
Review: Candide
"Brimming with ideas, full-blooded and full throated performance, Candide is presented successfully in a way only Babolin theatre can achieve."
Review: Beauty and the Beast
Nothing so convincing has been done with this legend. It deserves many revivals.
Review: The Terrible Tail of Adelaide Worthing
A wonderfully charming children’s story the explores the idea of being different.
Review: The Wizard of Winterbourne
A quant folksy tale brought with the enthusiasm of youth in an engaging tale of breeches and scam artistry.
Review: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery: The Baker Street Irregulars and the case of the Stolen Portrait
A charming and enthusiastic young person’s company tell their tale of detection with flair.
Review: Ceyda Tanc Youth Dance
“An inspirational and dynamic showcase of the next generation of dancers under the guidance of Brighton based, Ceyda Tanc”
Review: Eight
Strong monologues from four actors that show their abilities to hold an audience and deliver a fine piece of writing that belies their age.
Review: Holy Moses
A charming retelling of the Moses story through two young people who may win the prize for show furthest travelled and certainly tell this tale with confidence.
Review: The Red Shoes
Sizzling reimagining of the Hans Christian Anderson tale in the context of Weimar Germany that brims full of artistic value
Review: Female Transport
A tale of transport to the colonies with punishment, exploitation and solidarity at the heart of a straightforward tale, told in an intimate setting.