Cameryn Moore beings three shows to the Fringe. Here’s a post card from Cameryn about MUSE: An Experiment in Storytelling and Life Drawing.
Here’s her postcard message:
“Hello from Edinburgh, where the weather’s the same shite we know and love, but at least it’s not the Berlin sauna, right? I start running around in earnest this week for Muse, you know, that storytelling/life-drawing mash-up I’ve been workshopping this past year. It’s really changed a lot from last summer, when I was just angry all the time; now I deliberately leave space to breathe, both for myself and audiences, and it’s great. Anyway, you wouldn’t think a show where I’m just sitting naked the whole time would take a lot of prop/set hunting, but between the linens and cushions and wireless speaker for the music, it’s still got me sweating a bit. I also have to pick up the donated art supplies from Edinburgh Art Shop this week. Thank God for that, I never know how many people are going to want to draw. Get here soon!”
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