Edinburgh Fringe 2010
Low Down
The Grimms Tales seems to be the latest phase in student theatre: there are, after-all, three productions of it up this year alone in Edinburgh. ETB bring to it an air of professionalism: the cast are all great physical actors and talented young performers. However, the production is just very uninteresting: nothing spectacular has been done with the stories. Having said that, this show is still worthy and is certainly entertaining.
The production covers three stories: Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood and Hansel and Gretel, all three of which are very well know tales even though this production chooses to follow the ‘darker’ interpretation of them. All three are charmingly and seamlessly woven together.
The cast are all required to adapt to several characters throughout and all of them do so exceptionally. As there are few props used, hey also cleverly represent certain elements of the story – the gingerbread house, the big bad wolf – using their bodies. This is really were the play lends its biggest credit: they are wonderful physically and, potentially, could rival the likes of Jaques Lacoq graduates.
However, they haven’t one themselves any favors by choosing three of the most well known stories from the Grimms. They have all been done before and so, in that regard, they lack originality. Although the prodution choses to use the ‘dark interpretation’ they all give way to ‘happy endings’ which, along with being a diversion from the true ‘Grimms Tales’ makes the piece feel as though its an audience pleaser, rather than an exploration into something different.
Further to this, stylistically the piece isn’t particularly original either – it’s very black leggings and youth theatre esq. The show feels as though these talented young actors have been massively underestimated, performing in quite a standard adaption show.