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Edinburgh Fringe 2012

Bourgeois and Maurice: Sugartits

Bourgeois and Maurice with Soho Theatre

Genre: Burlesque, Cabaret


Underbelly Cowgate


Low Down

Bourgeois and Maurice return to the Edinburgh Fringe with this glam camp electro cabaret with a wonderful satirical edge and songs about modern day observations.


Georgeois Bourgeois meanders round the room offering marshmallows to people clad in a sequinned jacket, white gloves and cheap sunglasses, looking like the Rocky Horror Picture Show have defiled Disney’s best loved Mouse creation. Once onstage he flings the marshmallows away, introduces his sister Maurice Maurice and what proceeds is a modern day cabaret (or kabarett since it’s very political) with jokes told using acerbic humour and some excellent songs lampooning and lambasting current affairs from the state of Europe (in a delicious song set in a nightclub called Goodbye, Europe referring to Countries as people clubbing) to “Facebook makes me feel sh*t” which as anyone whose sick of seeing about everyone else’s OMG amazing lifestyles on various social media, can heartily get behind and sing along with.

It has been a few years since this duo made an appearance at the Edinburgh Fringe (2009 to be exact) but this show has been well worth the wait as they continue to innovate and push the genre into the modern age using it to make satirical social commentary and observations about the hypocrisy of the modern age in which we live (the sight of Georgeois Bourgeois performing what can only be described as crap contemporary dancing whilst Maurice sings a song about double standards in the UK is hysterical.)

Often the couple stop to interact with one another and they both have an innate sense of comedy timing and the absurd. They even manage to make a costume change during the show in true fabulous style. Maurice plays a range of instruments from the keyboard to guitar and accompanies Georgeois with most songs, as well as providing a deep voiced and awkward comedy foil to his graceful intellectual character, bouncing with quick-witted silver-tongued delight from one joke to the next. Their material is very strong overall and when interacting with the public Georgeois is always gracious and gentlemanly in his conduct so that that his audience are with him and not alienated.

This is a slick production and one of the best cabaret shows at the Edinburgh Fringe.

