Home » The FringeReview/Rialto Theatre Outstanding Theatre Award

The FringeReview/Rialto Theatre Outstanding Theatre Award

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Edinburgh Fringe 2019 Award

We are pleased to announce the FringeReview Rialto Theatre Outstanding Theatre Award will run again at the Edinburgh Fringe 2019.

There is no application process for this award. Please see below for further details.

Edinburgh Fringe 2018 Award

In August 2019 we were delighted to announce the FringeReview Rialto Theatre Outstanding Theatre Award which includes space at the Rialto and support for a chosen show to perform at Brighton Fringe 2019.

To be eligible for the award, your company must be available and willing to bring your show to the Rialto Theatre at Brighton Fringe 2019. (The whole Fringe runs from 4th May – 3rd June)

This is a new award. FringeReview continues to give out its own Outstanding Theatre Awards at Edinburgh Fringe and around the world. The Rialto Theatre is a leading year-round theatre and performance venue in Brighton, with its own in-house theatre company and a rich and respected programme of performing arts,

Eligibility for the Award

This is not an award you need to apply for. The Rialto Theatre scouting team are up in Edinburgh during the first two weeks of the Fringe and, along with the FringeReview review team, will identify several nominee theatre shows which are rated at least outstanding by the award team and the award will be announced at the end of the second week of the Edinburgh Fringe.

The award team seeking outstanding shows comprises Roger Kay and Lauren Varnfield from the Rialto Theatre Brighton and the FringeReview review team who are out and about each day reviewing and seeking excellent work.

The Award…






Along with the special FringeReview/Rialto Theatre Outstanding Theatre Award, the company will receive:

An Award Certificate and famous FringeReview teapot award

Registration fees for Brighton Fringe 2019 (Paid at the end of their Fringe run)

An up to 6 show slot at the Brighton Fringe at the Rialto Theatre

Free show technician

Rehearsal time in the venue (to be agreed with the venue, depending on availability)

Publicity by Rialto (featured in their programme and online advertising, including free advertising with FringeReview, worth up to £300)

Promotion by FringeReview in the run up to the Fringe (written interview, podcast interviews and blog)

Support from the experts who review for FringeReview (which could include dramaturgy, mentoring and coaching on show promotion)

(Companies will be responsible for their own travel and accommodation).

Joint statement by Roger Kay, Director at Rialto Theatre, and Paul Levy, editor of FringeReview:

“We are delighted to be teaming up in our search for excellent work at the Edinburgh Fringe that we can bring to Brighton. We want to offer tangible support to companies who are hoping to continue their creative journey and want to enhance the resources they have with a venue, and extra help to show their work at one of the world’s most exciting arts festivals.”










(Paul Levy from Fringe Review with Roger Kay and Lauren Varnfield from the Rialto Theatre Brighton)

For further information, contact Paul Levy at FringeReview (gubbins@fringereview.co.uk). Please do not apply or pitch for this award.


The winner of the 2018 FringeReview/Rialto Theatre Outstanding Theatre Award is…

Earnest and Wilde

FringeReview editor Paul Levy presented the award at the curtain call of Earnest and Wilde. The company were “surprised and delighted.”

Taking the cast by surprise, Paul described the play as among the “best story telling on the Fringe, historical, unique, touching,  funny as well as important histtory”.

Roger Kay, from the Rialto Theatre Brighton said: “The Directors of Rialto in Brighton are proud to co-sponsor the FringeReview / Rialto award for outstanding theatre at The Edinburgh Fringe.The Directors of Rialto in Brighton are proud to co-sponsor the FringeReview / Rialto award for outstanding theatre at The Edinburgh Fringe.
Earnest & Wilde: Let’s Face The Music (and Franz) was innovative, intelligent, considered, quirky and polished – but above all thoroughly enjoyable. We are delighted to offer them a Brighton Fringe slot in 2019.”




















Find out more about Earnest and Wilde here.