Review: Seeing Stars

Here’s Tycho Brahe to lead us by his gold nose. You can never start star-gazing too young; this Rust and Stardust production is a dazzling place to start. Enchanting, informative and exhilarating in equal measure; Conlon and Sommers’ singing sets a magical seal on this star-breaking look at the universe.

Review: The Wizard of Oz

It beggars belief that on one tiny stage we can be subjected to so many scene stages so expertly handled, so many backdrops and scenery shifts, not to mention a cast of twenty-two who can all sing. This production is good enough for a larger professional stage. If you get a chance, ask for a ticket or return.

Review: Motherhood: (Un)speakable, (Un)spoken

Moments into this one-woman play, Joanna Rosenfeld - emerging in a poke of fingers from a cagoule of brown paper - over-voices herself giving witness to tens of verbatim experiences we hear. This tells us the baby’s a parasite, sucks all your nutrients, calcium from your teeth for instance, causes injury, often permanent, can kill. This is - literally - epic interior theatre.

Review: The Forest

An impeccable time in a magical forest where all is experienced by all who enter

Review: Nel

A fast paced jam packed show, a cinematic experience without technology, a multisensory treat.

Review: Molly Whuppie

An engaging hour or so in the company of masters in Scottish storytelling for children

Review: Dracula

Family-friendly, high energy retelling of the classic Gothic tale

Review: The Hogwallups

Inventive and entertaining theatrical circus skills!

Review: Comedy Club 4 Kids

Funny, warm and accessible comedy stand up for children and their parents.

Review: Limelight

Showstopping numbers stud this heartwarming, touching new play with numbers by Liz Tait.

Review: Crème de la Crem

Deftly structured, evenly paced, informative and entertaining, Crème de la Crem is a must see for anyone who'd like a great funeral.

Review: The Bula Loop

A searing but warm-hearted examination of autism in the family.

Review: Aladdin

Unmissable fun - a winter winner from Emporium

Review: Captain Morgan 1: The Sands of Time

The performers, two actors and a musician playing violin, manage to create a whole world and a host of characters (apparently around 44 which in itself is a mind boggle) in the space of an hour.

Review: The Overcoat

Joyous sense of play inspired by the very imaginative mind of little Jenny.

Review: Damsels In Success

Sisters are doin' it for themselves .. including the evil step ones, presumably ...