Welcome to our EPostcards from the Fringe Page.
Theatremakers, reviewers, writers and pundits from around the globe send us their micro-words from the world of Fringe Theatre.
Send your postcards to gubbins@fringereview.co.uk
E-Postcards from Edinburgh Fringe 2018
And another…
We love the look and read of this postacrd… from Michelle Madsen and Lizzy Shakespeare at Bait Theatre who are clowns and poets and are bringing their new show Tales up to Edinburgh for a very hush hush three night preview sorta run at the Banshee Labyrinth. It’s been called ‘seriously challenging, but in the most ludicrously enjoyable way’, like all good punk feminist raves should be. You are very special and would look good in the banqueting hall so they’d like to invite you along (ps, bring all your friends, it’s that sort of party/ball).
We are getting good vibes from this poscard which just arrived…
Details and booking for the show are here
This jolly postcard has seen the world before it arrived in our postbag today. Comedy pirate brothers Jollyboat tends to sell out at the Fringe. this yeat they playthe Liquid Room (Annexe) with their show #Jollyboat: Bards Against Humanity.
They also are at the Fringe earlier in the day with #Jollyboat: Why Do Nerds Suddenly Appear? (The Best Of Jollyboat).
Another post card just landed on the FringeReview doormat. This one is from Dan Lees and Neil Frost whose show The Establishment: Fool Britannia is Edinburgh-bound. They also are bringing a children’s show, Captain Cauliflower and Marvin the Mischievous Moose.
Our first EPostcard from Edinburgh Fringe 2018 comes from Walter DeForest who’s show Van Gogh Find Yourself makes its return to the Fringe. Walter is currently somewhere in the UK…
“This is the longer version : Hello from London, Drew a bunch of people. Saw 2 shows. I am reading in an All-Star Reading tonight of Peter Michael Marino’s Desperately seeking the Exit, I found out today. I have 4 intimate shows on 31 July. (2 sold out so far.) Got a tour of Van Gogh House it will become an Artist Residency. I will come back in March for the opening of The Tate Museum’s Van Gogh Exhibition. Edinburgh is expensive to live for the fest so I I listed my flat in Edinburgh as “Live With Van Gogh” on AirBnb and have booked the couch for people who are comfortable couching.
I will have guests from Chicgo, Amsterdam and NYC. It will be an artist house. My room mate from NYC has his 1st ever experience in Edinburgh with Universal Dad. PBH Free fringe. I launched an AirBnB experience in NYC listed as Van Gogh Find Yourself @ The Met. The show accommodates from 1-6 people. I have all 5 star reviews , 7 reviews. I won the Marketing Award in Orlando Fringe where I played at the Orlando Museum of Art and a 250 seat theatre.
I immediately went to @CincyFringe and curated The Wash Park Art Gallery It was a viewing of the work created during the show by audience members as well as myself. This was one of my favorite venues. I didn’t have to tear anything down for 12 days. I was the only show in that space. I do not print postcards or posters. I re purpose the art into adverts for the show. Each poster Bespoke, original, one of a kind in 2017 this practice helped me get shortlisted for the Sustainability Award in Edinburgh.
I will break the World Record on Aug 10th.”
E-Postcards from Brighton Fringe 2018
Another E-Postcard has just landed on the FringeReview doormat. This time it is from Lucy Hopkins who is currently in Irelland. Next stop for Lucy will be Brighton Fringe with her acclaimed theatre/performance art show, Le Foulard…
Dear FringeReview – writing this from Ireland! Having a
lovely trip. Met some lovely donkeys, watched a moonlit
sunrise, chucked peat in the stove, kept warm. It’s
wonderful here. Hope you are great!
See you soon! Emerald Love, L XXXX
Our first postcard is in…
Book here
E-Postcards from Edinburgh Fringe 2017
A new postcard has just come in…
A Case of Wonders by Sam Fitton… at the Edinburgh Fringe 2017
A postcard, received from Performing Change and their show, Blurred Justice, which plays both a Edinburgh Fringe and Camden Fringe…
Another postcard has just arrived in the FringeReview Edinburgh in-tray…
Book tickets for China Goes Pop here
Our first E-Postcard for Edinburgh Fringe 2017 has just flown in…
Book tickets for The Principle of Uncertainty here.
Send us yours now… Email it ot gubbins@fringereview.co.uk
E-Postcards from Edinburgh Fringe 2016
Just in and newly wed! From the cast of The Wedding Reception…
A Postcard from the cast of award-winning Faulty Towers The Dining Experience…
Just arrived and beautifully made…
With love from Ithaca
Best wishes
Juliet Avant
Mice on a Beam
Just in…from Cat Loud
Hello FringeReview,
I hope this finds you well! Here’s my EPostcard for our consideration.
While everyone seems to already be in Edinburgh, that’s me just got the road. I’m from Mull. It’s a Scottish island. It’s basically the Costa del Alba. Sun, sea and Sauvignon B.
I’m hitting the Fringe this year with my second cabaret show, ‘Cat Loud’s Wayward Girls‘, accompanied by the award-winning blues collective The Blueswater. Imagine falling into a secret speakeasy full of liquor and voodoo and blues OH MY, and you’ll get the picture.
See you on the mean streets soon. Cx
Our first postcard landed on the FringeReview virtual doormat. And it’s from actor Nicholas Collett who performs with Gavin Robertson with the returning and hugely acclaimed The Six-Sided Man. Nick sent this to us from Kansas…
Postcard from Kansas…
Kansas City is hotter than July. So hot with talent the pavements are melting. The Invasion has brought a bunch of artists from UK and elsewhere presenting a high-quality array of performances at the MET and Penn Valley – everything critically acclaimed. The Fringe has now opened, bigger and better than before and MET is offering local artists a platform within that. Elsewhere, the Living Room Theatre offers new writing of a consistently high standard coupled with great performances and Just Off Broadway has everything from new work about script editors to Gilda Radner.
Why come all this way? For the chance to hook up with friends made over the last 3 years, eat BBQ, drink craft beer, see shows and look for new opportunities. My takeaway is no fewer than 4 potential projects, one of which has a funding stream already underway. See you soon KC – it’s been a blast.
Nicholas Collett, Kansas, USA, 25th July
E-Postcards from the Brighton Fringe 2016
Another postcard just arrived! This time from The Wedding Reception.
Our first postcard of Brighton Fringe 2016 is in and it is a whooper! This company has made a beautiful two sided postcard for us. So, check out Birthday in Suburbia’s Facebook page and here’s a link to their show details
Postcards from the Edinburgh Fringe 2015
Just in…
Dear Fringe Review We’ve finally made it, against all odds, to the uncharacteristically temperate Edinburgh! Our first foray of Stand Up and Slam! at the Fringe Festival was not without its setbacks, having been caught up in the unfortunate Cowgatehead debacle in May. Originally booked with Freestival, for a panicked couple of weeks we were left in fear of having no venue at all, but luckily it all fell into place at the eleventh hour, with PBH brilliantly managing to reschedule us into the same 19:15 time slot, though we were one of the lucky few acts that survived unscathed. Many of the reputed 300 acts were forced to relocate or make alternative arrangements after the change in promoters scheduled to book in the acts, with PBH’s new set up only able to accommodate around 40 acts. Nonetheless we are thrilled to remain in the venue and are looking forward to the August run!
Browsing the programmes, we are excited to see so many diverse acts as always, and at a festival which so often has the unfortunate luck of putting on seven versions of the same play (Hip Hop Hamlet –you’re still Hamlet), we are thrilled to see that ours is the only one which battles Stand Up Comedy with Performance Poetry in a spoken word mash up. Hoping our fringe is a Slam dunk (lol), here’s to many more to come!
Lots of love Stand Up and Slam! |
We just received this from Superbolt Theatre, who are one of our theatre picks with Jurassic Park.
And their postcard’s flip-side…
See more of their pictures here.
A POSTCARD FROM MONKFISH THEATRE To whom it may concern, Welcome, traveller. You have come a long way to a cold, damp city. Huge faces leer down through the mizzle, from billboards and hoardings, their perfect teeth bared. Below each face, a string of quotes: ‘MUST-SEE…’ ‘IF YOU ONLY WATCH ONE THING…’ ‘YOU WON’T BELIEVE YOUR EYES…’ Watch this, watch that. The faces begin to blur. But somewhere, beyond the bright and desperate colours, there is an oasis of darkness. One show that won’t beg you to watch, watch, watch. A show you can’t see. The show no-one can ever see. Welcome to Roughs [For Radio]. An immersive staging of two plays by Samuel Beckett, Roughs [For Radio] takes place in and around a blindfolded audience. These plays have never been performed in Edinburgh, until now. Rough for Radio I: an analogue tragedy about loss, with live music. Rough for Radio II: a black comedy about torture, with live paperwork. Chosen as a festival highlight by Lyn Gardner in The Guardian and David Kettle in The List, Monkfish Theatre’s Roughs [For Radio] is the only Beckett production at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe. You won’t see it coming. Info & tickets:https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/roughs-for-radio |
Postcards from the Edinburgh Fringe 2014
And our first post cards from Edinburgh are arriving…
Gooood morning! We are waking up to a sunnyish day ready for our 1st show of the Fringe!!Especially excited as it will be mums 1st big show!!!Come and spend your lunch times with us (good times, motherly advice and lots of laughs guaranteed!) 12.10 underbelly – cowgate.Can’ t wait mate! Jana & Heidi xxx![]()
‘Hello world (and Edinburgh)! Greetings from England! Multimedia, multicasting and plenty of heart – Sochi 2014 has it all and more. It is made up of verbatim testimony depicting the LGBT and human rights issues associated with this year’s Olympics in Russia. It’s also a rapid-response production that takes updates from news report and ongoing interviews.
Brought to you by FULLfuse Theatre, a company that focuses on challenging and politically-charged drama, the play is written by Tess Berry-Hart. Throughout rehearsals and the entire project, our team has worked closely with the playwright.
It’s been a wonderful journey working with the cast and crew – and we look forward to sharing the experience with you. Enjoy the Fringe and have an amazing time!
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So excited to come to Edinburgh this year, all the way from Philadelphia. I ran up and down the Rocky steps in preparation for the month-long-war-of-attrition that is known as the Edinburgh Fringe, will be performing Drunk Lion 25 nights at the Newsroom @10pm and imagine by the end I’ll be a mess. Looking forward to it, saludos from the United States and look forward to meeting everyone at the fringe. Also I have t-shirts
Hi…..We’ll be flying up to Edinburgh very soon on the wings of the red dragon of Wales.
It’s the only way to travel except bathroom facilities during the flight are rather basic!
Made a list today, see…….
Things I must NOT DO at the Fringe…..
Go commando
Get too drunk
Try to behave as if I ever had any ‘street cred’
Talk gibberish if I meet famous people
Talk gibberish anyway
Say ‘pardon’ three times because I don’t get the accent
Swear too much
Lapse into the vernacular by saying ‘Pint of heavy, Jimmy’
Ask when Scotland last qualified for the World Cup finals
Things I must DO at the Fringe…….
Wash clothes more often
Get some of that under-arm spray stuff
Comb hair occasionally
Wear Y-fronts
String more than two words together in a sentence
Try to appear vaguely intelligent
Walk in a straight line [mostly]
Smile as if I’m enjoying it
And if I manage all that [or not], please come and see our new and unique romcom,
Butterfly in Shades of Blue at SpaceCabaret54 12.25 pm August 1-23.
It’s a new play wot I wrote all by meself!
Ed Penney [Writer/Producer/ Butterfly in Shades of Blue]
Dear Fringers, Comrades,
It has been too many years now since governments agreed to pass laws that allow the genetic testing of all peoples for potential criminal traits, and the persecution of those testing positive. Too many of our friends and family members are either suffering in the work camps or dead. Since its inception, the GCB – which is little more than a global corporation, industrialising capital punishment for crimes which may never be committed – the world has seen a fall in free population by 36%. This figure is still rising.
We, at the Anima Project, believe that there is another way. We have been working on an experiential treatment, to cure the condemned of their genetically determined criminal potential.
If you too believe that everyone should have the chance at life, the chance to change their destiny and live in peace, then show your support. Join us for our first clinical trial at 2.20pm, at venue 145 from 3rd August – 9th August, and see first-hand that there is an alternative.
It is time to make a stand.
The Doctor
Wrong Shoes Theatre Company
Check out their Fringe show, The Anima Project
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Dear Fringers
We’ll be waiting you all at Summerhall
– Main Hall every day at 16,20 to tell you true story that starts a fairy tale…
“Once upon a time in a very far away country there was a city where clouds were produced, those white ones for the haze, those black ones for storms and those red ones for sunsets.Is it true?”
…but will introduce you soon to the real and sad ILVA tragedy, the scandal of the biggest steelworks of Europe based in Taranto in the south of Italy as we have transposed on stage with our physical theatre new performance.
After years of investigation on this issue, after being hindered and censored in Italy, we have created an original script based on real-life testimonies and poems from the workers at the ILVA steel plant in Taranto.
And now we are ready to fly to Edinburgh to bring you MADE IN ILVA
performed in English – an emotional and poetic exploration of the alienation and oppression of a human body reduced to an artificial machine.
to tell the truth on this issue. Come to meet us With love ![]() |
Dear Fringers/Potential Hostages,
Only a few days until we’re on the run to Edinburgh! We have been sharpening our knives, blunting our bludgeons and burying all evidence in the woods. It’s a lot of work for two 10-year-olds who’d much rather be finger-painting.
This is our first time at the Edinburgh Fringe with our séance The Twins Macabre: Small Mediums at Large. We used to perform in the circus, but it mysteriously burnt down with our parents inside… we were playing Hungry Hippos at the time and there’s no evidence that we were there… none at all.
We’re really excited because Edinburgh is incredibly haunted. We were born with a psychic gift and can already sense much supernatural presence there. We were thinking about Edinburgh and Ivy heard the ungodly voice of Satan. Maurice did a big sneeze. We sense there is most energy around the vaults, the graveyards and the routes of the ghost tours.
If you would like to contact the beyond or perhaps you have an ailing limb we can relieve you of, join us at 4.30pm at Pleasance That. Don’t tell the police.
Love and entrails,
Dearest Fringers and Fringesses:
Last-minute details for my solo show, Sweater Curse: A Yarn about Love, involve a LOT of knitting. Anybody else trying to stuff huge balls of wool and dozens of pointy needles into their luggage?
I’m also having my Edinburgh shoe quandary. Wellies or no? I never wore them last year, which means there are sure to be floods this August.
And I’d really intended to be a lot thinner for this year’s EdFringe, but I kept remembering to eat. Last summer, I lost 7 lbs (that’s half a stone, right?) the first week of Fringe. So much walking. The hills, the hills. I look at EdFringe now as a spa vacation with short bursts of acting every day around 14:00 (that’s a whole stone, right?).
See you there. I’ll be the sweaty gal from Texas carrying armfuls of jumpers down to Sweet Venues Grassmarket. If I don’t unravel before Aug. 1.
Back to the knitting. I have 600 fuzzy hearts to make before the curtain goes up on my show!
Woolly hugs to all,
Elaine Liner
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Dear Fringers,
It’s been a wild ride. I thought being an actor in Shakespeare’s company was challenging. But then I joined the Midlands revolt and realised there’s so much more to life! But gosh darn it, politics is a dangerous game: so here I am back in the world of theatre.
Wish you were here in the glorious wilds of Canada: we open my solo show ‘The Player’s Advice to Shakespeare’ in Ottawa, the nation’s capital, in a few days. And soon enough we will be traveling back across the Atlantic to Edinburgh, my heart home, to share terrifying tales of the rebellion, to speak for the people, to challenge authority, and – most importantly – to distribute carrots to the hungry masses.
Let’s take our passions to the streets, Fringers! See you on the Royal Mile.
Yours faithfully,
The Player
Postcards from the Edinburgh Fringe 2013
Postcard from Bite-Size
Dear Edinburgh Fringers,
The Big Bite-Size arrived in Edinburgh and the sun was shining! And it was raining in Brighton so we were definaaaately in the right place. Straight to the Pleasance Dome to get in 3 of our 4 Ed shows then to the courtyard to get in number 4… and sleep! Flyering, then breakfast, flyering whilst doing line runs and singing with Billy on the banjo! This we know is going to be our lives for the next four weeks :o) Did we mention flyering? And sleep. Early early start for our Big Bite-Size Breakfast Show at 10.30am, our first preview, lovely audience. Nice house, so thank you to Fringe Review for putting us in the top 5 morning shows at the Fringe! Lunch. Then.. yep you guessed it… flying before our 1.00pm Family Creatures show in the Pleasance Courtyard and then we all take a well deserved sit down and then line runs, then we might pop into the Pleasance and see a few shows and do it all again tomorrow.
Lots of love
The Big Bite-Size
Postcard from Tom at Three’s Company![]()
Postcard from Dani Rae
Hello from a sunny and bustling Edinburgh!
This week we’ve been proofing and editing the Aurora Nova brochure. It’s bloody gorgeous, I can’t wait to show it to you.
We’ve also been talking about balloons, juggling balls and whether I need a bike to get across the city or not this Festival.
Tomorrow I’m off to Glasgow to train the Scottish Opera press team how to use the box office system for Paterson’s Land before donning the many lanyards of the season and jumping straight into the Fringe pool.
Wish me luck!
Post Card from Edinburgh Spotlight…With our review spreadsheets finalised, our stock of energy bars & power drinks replenished, an umbrella in one hand and a sun hat in the other: we’re taking a deep breath before getting ready to dive into the crazy, chaotic, and completely wonderful world of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Keith Edinburgh Spotlight) is an established and much visited year-round publication that also covers the Fringe in August. |
Postcard from Amsterdam Fringe 2012
Anneke Jansen writes…
Greetings from the Amsterdam Fringe Festival where rubber led light disco ducks, ranting Rabbits, Fringe Spiegeltent disco, Egyptian dance, Dutch performance art, plays in sauna’s, on soccer fields, in the street and in theatres meet. It’s a strange place of uncensored creativity that we like to call home. At least until the 9th of september. So far no arrests, which would be a first at the Amsterdam Fringe. Come on people, annoy some cops will you, where’s your sense of revolution!!!Anneke |
John Hinton writes…
![]() 1st May 2012
I’m writing to you right from the thick of it here in Brighton, where the world is going to start ending in just four days’ time. That’s when I start performing my one-man musical comedy about the Norse Myths, specifically those myths concerning how it’s all going to go horribly wrong and come to rather an abrupt end.
Wish you were here, in fact I hope you will be here, to join godfather Odin, thundermaker Thor, boy wonder Balder and mischievous chaos-instigator Loki in the battle to end all battles. Luckily for those who want the world to go on a little longer, the show will happen four times, on the 5th, 6th, 26th and 27th of May, Upstairs at Three and Ten. After that, I’m afraid, it’ll be curtains.
xx John
Lita Dolan, from Churchill’s Children writes…
1st May 2012
![]() Sat in our rehearsal bunker off the Charing Cross Road we think about how it must have felt to sit out a bomb blast under ground with bricks and rubble flying overhead. No one would know what they were coming out to after the all clear. We piece together the lives of Brightonians rammed with fear from Hitler’s last tip and run attack on the coast in May 25th 1943 between tea breaks and a real live hostage situation that emerged on the Tottenham Court Road. It’s the tea that keeps us going as we toast the bravery of the home front. “Churchill’s Children” by
Brighton Festival Fringe
May 11-13th 3pm
Premieres Upstairs at Three and Ten
Wish you were in St Ann’s Well Gardens – or what you Will
Here’s a postcard from the Festival Shakespeare Company who are bringing their outdoor Twelfth Night to the Fringe. We five-starred their show last year.
27th April 2012
![]() Park Life: ‘Twelfth Night’ rehearsals have moved outdoors and setting it in the Hebrides has been a wise move: oilskins, sea-boots and sou’westers didn’t look much out of place in St Ann’s Well this weekend. Our actors took full advantage of the empty park with no-one to disturb except the bowling club – keen as custard in their white windcheaters.
They belted out songs that the wind carried off into buffeting trees while blossom gusted around the scented garden. Director, Nick Quirke, admitted this wasn’t his favourite day until I test drove our post-war- post-mistress bike, looking like I Knew Where I’m Going (then fell off demonstrating ladies side-saddle). Laughter in the rain and a pint at The Farm. Must be nearly May. Wish you were here?
Love Festival Shakespeare Company. xx
Postcard from Improland – Jenny Rowe from The Maydays sends us a message…
27th April 2012
Having a lovely time at The Maydays HQ, working on ‘The Fringe Show’. This year, we’re being inspired by everyone else’s shows, so we’re preparing ourselves to be ready for ANYTHING, from interpretive dance and children’s theatre to walking tours and art installations. Whatever our friendly Brighton audience wants to see – it’s their choice!
The Komedia Studio will be echoing to the sounds of ripping paper – because we’re tearing up the fringe this year (or at least, the audience will be).
Come and see whatever show you want to see this Fringe.
Love and hugs,
All the Maydays
Postcard from Havant – Chapman, Director of Scallywags, by SOOP and Creative Director – SOOP writes…
20th April 2012Wish we were there…Just putting the finishing touches to Scallywags as we have a try-out show in Portsmouth this weekend. Can’t wait to bring the piece to The Warren. The show is inspired by the men and women trained to be the British Resistance Forces in World War 2 in case England was invaded.
It’s looking and feeling great – researching the stories of the real life Auxiliary Units has thrown up some astonishing and often very funny facts that we’re managing to use in the show. Naturally we’ve added into the mix some delightful characters of our own, wonderful comic moments, probably the catchiest tune you’ll hear on the Fringe and a scary puppet version of Lord Haw Haw. Don’t know who Haw Haw is? Come along and find out… In today’s rehearsal we found out how difficult it is to have a romantic encounter on a meter wide cabinet, and just how hot it gets when you put two men in uniform inside it. Fun times. Get to The Warren from 13th – 15th May and be amazed at these tales of unsung heroes. Nathan
Our next correspondent is Andy Thomas whose award-winning Crimes Against Humanities Teachers is back this year along with his sketch comedy show Andy Thomas and Rob Maloney.
![]() Say hi to everyone in Blighty! Andy Thomas
Postcard from Brighton March 26th 2012 James
Postcard from Adelaide.February 28th 2012, Richard |
Postcard from the WorldFebruary 29th 2012![]() Holly |
Postcard from AdelaideFebruary 29th 2012Director of the Big Bite-size Soiree, Nick Brice, sends us his latest from Brighton in Oz…Very wet Edinburgh day here after a massive heatwave – 37-40degC day and night – melting poms! Still looking for the snakes and spiders but nothing yet… Absoutely brilliant coffee stalls and cafe’s here – lots of place to sit and chat. Nice open spaces, traffic not too bad – WOMAD is here next weekend – and Fatboy Slim! Went to Brighton beach too – and Hove! They got both here! Happy holidays!
Nick |
Postcard from BrightonFebruary 29th 2012![]() I’m tremendously excited to be producing in the brand new fringe venue, The Warren – expected superlative entertainment and theatre. Progress so far..Design concepts, in-depth research into Oklahoma city, and early music compositions with Composer Robert Maloney. James |
Postcard from Adelaide1st March 2012Six-Sided Man, Gavin Roberston, send us greetings…In Adelaide at CIT with Nick Collett in SPITFIRE SOLO. Well we whingeing poms like to..ummm..whinge a bit – but you’d have to be pretty ungracious to not be amazed at the people here who MAY be the friendliest on the entire planet. Sun, sea and never a bad ‘flat white’ in any cafe! May need to move here! Off to the museum next week for a PR Opportunity with a real Spitfire, but right now about to soar above the clouds metaphorically. Oh and you know you can C IT at CIT if you want a good show!Gavin |
More to come!
Send your Epostcards from the Fringe (200 words max) and an image to gubbins@fringereview.co.uk