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The Guide to Good Fringe
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- Is losing a roundabout a loss?
- IAPAR 2024 – Introvert vs Extrovert Theatre
- IAPAR 2024 – Godzilla vs King Kong with MPD
- Brighton Horrorfest 2024
- Edfringe: A show born in the classrooms of Denny High School
- Beyond the Summerhall Fringe: ASCUS Art & Science and Some Other Fascinating Folk
- Fringe Focus: Lambeth Fringe
- Solo Theatre Focus at Edfringe: Writer and performer Mitch Hara on Mutant Olive 2.0
- Standup Comedy Focus: A bountiful lunchtime conversation with Louis Katz at Edfringe 2024
- Talking about Dead Animals: Dale Robertson and Olivia Woods on a heartwarming new play at Edfringe
- In Conversation with Damien Lewis, Kelly Macdonald, and Euros Lyn at the Edinburgh Film Festival
- Who Owns the Moon? A.C. Grayling at the Edinburgh Book Festival
- Jo Tomalin talks to Buzzcut about live cameras + puppetry in Bark Bark
- Jo Tomalin talks with Skedaddle Theatre about A Brief Case of Crazy!
- Gregorio of Circo Goyo from Argentina talks about street performing to Jo Tomalin
- Zachary Loram talks about Zac Zac Zoom and eels to Joanna Matthews
- In Conversation with the team behind COVENANT
- Did Neurodiversity Take Over the Fringe?: A Response to the Spectator’s Thoughtless Think Piece
- Kate Saffin talks to the team behind In The Lady Garden
- Exploring a mental health diagnosis with humour and music: Barbara Fernandez talks to Kate Saffin about her first time Edinburgh show Singing, Sagging and Shagging
- Kate Saffin talks to El Blackwood about creating verbatim show Tending
- In Conversation with Documentary Director Bryan Carberry about *smiles and kisses you* at the Edinburgh Film Festival
- Four Days Away from the Edinburgh Fringe: Paul Levy’s AOMO Journal
- In Conversation with Comedian Kelly Bachman
- Edinburgh Fringe newbie – Sara Harvey in conversation with Joanna Matthews about her award winning show Neurochatter
- Kate Saffin talks to Owen Scrivens about improvising dying on a daily basis
- Bert and Nasi talk about developing shows and L’Addition with Jo Tomalin
- Dance and Physical Theatre Focus: Luca Vaccari and Yuxi Jiang on In The Round
- Kate Saffin talks to the writer and company behind The Expulsion of Exulansis
- A Conversation About Theatre of the Absurd