Edinburgh Fringe 2010
Cirque De Legume
Cirque De Legume

Genre: Physical Theatre
Venue: Gilded Balloon
Festival: Edinburgh Fringe
Low Down
Jaimie Carswell and Nancy Trotter-Landry are the visible end of Cirque de Legume. In fact they form a trio with director Pablo Ibarluzea. All have impressive backgrounds in circus clowning and physical theatre. They present a vibrant, fast paced and hilarious show that has the audience splitting its sides. Jacques Tati meets Tommy Cooper…..at the greengrocers!
It is very difficult to describe exactly what takes place at a Cirque de Legume show. One thing is certain however; silliness is at the top of the menu! In fact the show is SO silly that the children bought along by the parents who attended were rarely laughing but seemed to be looking around at everyone else wondering what they were laughing about.
It is a kind of silliness that can only be inhabited by adults. The silliness is everywhere – in the hilarious expressions on the performer’s faces, in their amazingly comic gaits, but most of all in what they do with their vegetable friends. Enter ‘Dusty’ the vicious and terrifying lettuce, witness an onion striptease, a mesmerising beetroot, razor sharp and dangerous peppers…..all accompanied by a novel and endearingly repetitive punch line which the performers deliver to the audience with sweet eyes like children seeking reassurance.
If you are looking for physical comedy which is simple yet ingenious and effective, want to see an original type of comedy where you won’t get picked on by a disgruntled comedian, looking for light relief from some of the more heavy shows on the Edinburgh fringe this year then this is the show for you. You won’t be disappointed – this is physical theatre that delivers in style.