Edinburgh Fringe 2012
Low Down
Three journalists need to find tomorrow’s headlines from yesterdays news. A reflection on the process of creation and journalism, asking if the story can tell more about the teller than the told.
There were several stories meandering their way through the jumble on stage and at times the stage just felt too crowded for the characters, again a limitation that they can overcome, but the stories weren’t deep enough for me to care about any of the characters apart from one speech about love and loss which was strangely affecting in the maelstrom of newsprint, a quiet reflection in the middle of a storm of melodrama and frenzy. The show was a jumble of paper, a jumble of characters and a jumble of a plot, more than once one of the characters asked what was going on and I felt the same! It promised a weird family but didn’t deliver; true weirdness is out there but this wasn’t it, this was weird lite, and the clapping device was something they need to have a think about, the whole improvisation game is displayed for us far too often these days, I think we have had enough. Overall I expected more and I think they can deliver much more, it is a young company who needs to really set itself a challenge, there is evidently talent there. displayed by all the cast but cast off those old theatrical devices and make up some original ones, let yourself breathe and inhabit the really weird rather than just costuming your characters and this will be a company to watch in the future.