Portraying Relationships through Theatre: Paul Levy talks to Genevieve Joy and Joseph Reitman about Like Blood from a Cheap Cigar








Like Blood from a Cheap Cigar is a relationship play. In this interview, co-writers and performers Genevieve Joy and Joseph Reitman talk about how the play came into being and the process of realisation of the play on stage with an insight intoo the rehearsal process. This is a wonderful interview about the process of theatre-making. “Like Blood From a Cheap Cigar is a personal glimpse inside the intense, damaged relationship between George, a past-his-prime bad boy and Margo, his pretty, significantly younger girlfriend who’s been driven to the brink of insanity by her irrational love for him.”

Listen to our interview with Genevieve Joy and Joseph Reitman about Like Blood from a Cheap Cigar