Mentalist and motivator, Phil Ainsworth talks to Paul Levy about bringing a show to the Fringe that could leave audience members more motivated! He also chats about how he made the show, MoMentum: A Motivational Mind Reading Experience, and how mentalism in performance can be respectful, entertaining and affecting, without manipulating or humiliating audiences.
“Experience the power of a live motivational mind reading show! Combining techniques used by motivational speakers, magicians, and stage mind readers, Phil Ainsworth is The MoMentalist; inspiring and encouraging audiences to live in the MoMent. If you want to participate in a show that will not only entertain you, but leave a lasting impression, one that will help you overcome sticking-points and blocks in your life, then the only question you should ask yourself is: what’s stopping me? Be amazed and motivated: this is your MoMent!”
Listen to our interview with Phil Ainsworth about MoMentum A Motivational Mind Reading Experience