Cameryn Moore brings three shows to the Edinburgh Fringe this year – is there a linking thread? Could it be storytelling? Could it be facilitation? Cameryn discusses her work with FringeReview’s Paul Levy.
MUSE: An Experiment in Storytelling and Life Drawing – “In a world where we learn to hate the bodies of others and fear our own, MUSE offers a chance to find them instead. Located at the intersection of stories, art and observation, MUSE is a true happening, an experience that is whatever you need it to be. MUSE begins as a life drawing session with Cameryn as model. In MUSE, however, the model speaks about living in a body that is under intense scrutiny wherever she goes. Audiences may watch, draw, listen, ask questions… participating how and when they wish.”
Sex Ed: A Cabaret of Play – With thrilling stories, silly games, and pervy puppets, Sex Ed is the smartest, slam-bangin’-est cabaret in town. Bring your party hat and your thinking hat and your goofy hat, and wear them all. Duckie L’Orange (Australia) and Cameryn Moore (USA) met in the wild underbelly of the Berlin cabaret scene. Duckie makes puppetry magic everywhere from the Sydney Opera House to the Indonesian jungle. Cameryn is known for her evocative erotic storytelling which has been seen in over 30(+?) cities! They bring a playful, edu-taining romp, with music, laughter and prizes at each show.
Smut Slam: Where Sexy and Storytelling Collide = This high-energy, dirty storytelling open mic has been around the world. Now it’s Edinburgh’s turn to share tawdry tales and win, with celebrity judges, anonymous confessions, and prizes galore for brave tellers. ‘I’ve been entertained, intrigued, and mostly enlightened at this show every time’ (Peter Michael Marino, producer). ‘Smut Slam is… powerfully inclusive’ (iNews). Smut Slam has toured to 30 cities worldwide since 2011 and has 16 active chapters on three continents. No-bullshit host Cameryn Moore works hard to create a safe, encouraging space in which audience members can share their sex adventures.
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