
Greetings All…

So here we are a few days before Fringe starts, and no doubt you’ve been tweeting and FB-ing and Instagraming, and pushing your show(s) as much as is possible before physically being in the City and engaging in … whatever. I don’t have the magic solution to selling more tickets, I’m afraid.

But I’m sure a few of you are seeing tweets and advertising on social media along the lines of “we’re up to 200/400/etc pre-sales and we’re so excited”. Well, don’t let it get you down if your pre-sales are more like 50 or 26… not everyone A) has a track record and a following, B) is employing a publicist, or C) performing in a genre that’s popular. Take comfort that you’re not alone, and be patient.

I’m producing a Spoken Word show so advance sales are low, and that’s not a genre traditionally up there in the “Woo Hoo, how exciting” bracket. All I can tell you is to have faith in the quality of your work (and if you don’t, what are you doing in the Edinburgh Fringe?)… keep pushing those social media statements/videos etc, and make a lot of new friends. Not everyone is selfish (though some are, of course) but you can team up with others and promote each other long the way.
One of the best ways is to promote other shows, maybe similar to yours and… HOPE …they give you something back. If they don’t, well – drop ’em. Fringe can be like a ‘favours’ system, and it works best when word-of-mouth (even by social media) is spread far and wide…

Take heart. It hasn’t started yet.