Richard the photographer from ‘fringefoto’ gives a unique view of the 2024 Edinburgh Fringe
After a long over-night drive from just outside London, I’m here in Edinburgh. Settled into my accommodation, equipment unloaded and sorted out, ready for the pre-festival rush of previews shows. First ‘FringeReview’ reviewers meeting to kick things off.
I find these first couple of days at the beginning interesting as the shows arrive with the venues trying to get everything set up. The press offices training new staff, getting on top of the press releases, both their’s and the individual shows. The atmosphere will change slowly but surely as everything ramps up.
I’ve done my pre-prep, my bag is packed and I’ve sort of resolved my email problems so I’m ready. Are You?
A 10:00am opening in what was a busy day for me was not helpful. Job done though, so we can now throw ourselves into the fun.
I’ve now photographed a few launches and a couple of shows, so editing them down is keeping me busy. I’ll follow up with another post in a couple of days when I’ve made good progress with the pics.