FringeReview UK

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FringeReview UK 2021

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Even more than 2019, a carnival riot of joy – with enough misdirection to evoke moonshine

Groan Ups

Just wait for the second act.

Jew… ish

One of the wittiest but also truthful comedies about love, identity, sexual politics and gefilte fish I’ve seen

Little Wimmin

An adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's classic novel Little Women by all-female performance art collective Figs in Wigs

Mr and Mrs Nobody

A warm-hearted yet sharp-witted peek at how the Pooter half live

Relatively Speaking

With his new production director Robin Herford, most associated with this play, brings pace, panache, and more than a dose of Ayckbourn’s generosity of spirit

Shaw Shorts

A joyous, heady and oh-so-welcome return to this intimate yet high-kicking theatre. An absolute must-see.


Grab it while you can

Twelfth Night

With Michelle Terry as Viola, one of the most touching and truthful Twelfth Nights I’ve seen.

While the Sun Shines

An outstanding revival. Again.