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theSpaceUK online 2021

Ally Sloper’s Half Holiday

A throwback performance to when Music Hall was King, Queen and Pearly Dreams.

Cello on Fire

Stunningly beautiful music pushing the boundaries of the cello

Don’t Know Him From Adam

An interesting two hander well performed by a couple of experienced pros.

Get Your Life Back

A theatrical take on reality TV infecting reality, itself.


An important play, tackling the deadly serious with laughter that all too easily could lead to stark tragedy.


A two handed exploration on the fear that comes from unknown calling.

Three Stages

Three musings on loss and bereavement beautifully captured in poetry, monologue and song.


A rights of passage story which manages to tell the salutary tale of enthusiasm over experience.

Walk of Shame

A slow burning expose of the shame we should feel at how we treat those who exercise the liberty we expect them to have