Staying Well at #Edfringe: Paul Levy talks to Alison Wells about A Mentally Well Fringe








Paul Levy talks to Alison Wells about A Mentally Well Fringe. Three times during the Edinburgh Fringe 2018, 7 mental well being experiences are offered at Fringe Central. Under the banner of “A Mentally Well Fringe”, the issue of mental health comes to the necessary fore at the world’s largest arts festival. Alison, a clinical psychologist describes this important initiative and offers some practical advice to all of us here in Edinburgh at this busy time.

Part of the Fringe Central Events Programme for Fringe participants. The Fringe can be a stressful and pressured time (as well as an exciting one!), we will offer Fringe participants the opportunity to sample some experiences commonly used in psychological therapy practice, which are known to help mental well-being. So we hope this will provide some respite and will be beneficial in promoting the mental well-being of all performers.

Find out more here and here.

Listen to our interview with Alison Wells about A Mentally Well Fringe