Alex Bird, Co-Director of Tortoise in a Nut Shell talks with Jo Tomalin about their visual theatre charity and how they use research to create shows and their latest piece Concerned Others
“Scotland has the highest rate of drug-related deaths in Europe. In communities across the country, families, loved ones, and clinicians support people suffering with substance addiction. Multi-award winners Tortoise in a Nutshell present Concerned Others, an intimate tabletop performance that shares the stories of critically underheard voices. Accounts that paint us as a nation struggling to recognise a deadly culture of shame, ignorance and misunderstanding surrounding addiction and drug-related death. Immersive soundscapes, shoebox installations, turntables, micro-projection and 32mm figures combine to create a multi-textured piece exploring a defining crisis. Part of the Made in Scotland showcase.”More information: Twitter @TortoiseinaNut