Review: Belly of the Beast

Belly of the Beast should be a set text in schools. And should definitely tour there.

Review: Family Portrait

A fascinating and beautifully imagined film showing us the value of family, no matter what form.

Review: There’s Another Country

Though a slow, cumulative film, intensely personal and keeping to that, there are sudden sidesteps out – as with Newbury’s nurse, Freud, the Lear sequence – that pattern the message in lateral sidelight that tells. A slowly magnificent odyssey.

Review: The Emergence Festival

A fascinating evening of well-considered works that augur well for many with a real future in the arts.

Review: Thirteen Fragments

A fascinating poetic musing on the COVID pandemic focused on the resilient experience of women of colour, delivered with great panache.

Review: Shark Week

An amusing and highly engaging short film about someone having to deal with their own menstruation.

Review: Braw Tales

An innovative and bright response to the pandemic in cartoon and monologue that is as diverse as great to watch.

Review: The Macbeths

A scintillating film of claustrophobic terror in the company of the most infamous fictional duo on the stage.