Adelaide Fringe 2016
Low Down
A cabaret show set in 1930, when alcohol was illegal. Prohibition breaks the rules in the best possible way!
Step back in time to when alcohol was illegal but cocaine wasn’t! Bootleg alcohol served out of a tea cup. The men were tough, and the women knew their place. Yes, right alongside them on the stage being awesome!
This show is a brilliant and exciting succession of fabulous acts. The performers take the audience on a ride from the first moment. Their description in the Fringe guide begins with “Amazing Acrobats! Salacious Singers! Deranged Detectives! Femme Fatales! Fancy Footballers! Mesmerizing Magicians!” Couldn’t agree more.
The first character set the scene with great costuming, attitude and humour. The audience was engaged immediately. The next act entered seamlessly and took balancing to a whole new level. Just when you thought she couldn’t up the ante, she upped the ante! So strong, yet graceful and in true cabaret style, sexily cheeky.
We were treated to acrobatics, juggling and feats of strength as well as some very skilled and entertaining hoola hooping by renowned entertainer, Caz Walsh. Singer, Sidonie Henbest was bold and beautiful, keeping the audience mesmerised with her performance.
The stand out character for me was Detective Dirk Darrow and I’d love to see a solo show of his (which I understand he has done and was a hit last Fringe). His delivery was in keeping of the era, deep, poetic and captivating. His story telling had the audience at the edge of their seats one moment and laughing the next, all whilst doing a magic trick interwoven in the storyline. Very clever. Very funny. Very much would love to see it again.
The clownish character, The Hump probably stole the show. I say probably just because my favourite was Detective Dirk. I loved The Hump though and what he can do with a balloon is quite phenomenal. I won’t give away the ending, but suffice it to say it was simultaneously humorous and gag worthy!
The costumes were well done and added to the authenticity. The performers were all very polished and professional. There were a few minor sound glitches, but they were so minor they barely rate mentioning and didn’t detract from the show in the slightest. I loved the smoothness of continuity between acts. A stage sweeper removed debris whilst being an act himself. It all added to the enjoyment of the show.
Many Fringe shows are 60 minutes. This one was 80, which apart from adding extra value for money, just flew by. Certainly the expression, “Time flies when you’re having fun” applies here!