FringeReview is delighted to announce that Edfringe’s fourteenth most respected theatre review publication has agreed a merger with Allied Scottish and Camden Bank.
FringeReview editor Paul Levy said: “It is about time a long-winded arts publication created synergies with a financial institution to create economies of scale in the way we deliver constructive feedback to artists and help our customers decide what to see at the world’s mostest humungest arts festivallery. Also I am getting old. I can’t do this lark on my own for much longer.”
From August 2022, customers of the bank will be able to access reviews at cashpoints all over the country (£1.99 per transaction), as well as finding top tips for stand-up comedy and site-specific theatre in their bank statements. They will also be able to purchase fringe tickets in the bank’s branches all over the UK (well, just the only branch left in Crewe).
There will also be benefit for fringe artists. They will be able to read reviews on the bank’s state of the art smartphone App and arrange overdraft extensions at the same time.
This is a ground-breaking, three and a half star development for FringeReview. CEO of ASC Bank, Boris Cameron-Mogg said in a statement: “This is a dream merger that fuses a leading edge arts publication with a failing bank. What’s to lose? We are also looking at the possibility of companies paying for reviews in Bitcoin (though we haven’t mentioned that to those arts twats yet).”
We’ll bring you more news as it comes in.
(Please note, FringeReview can’t be held responsible for the truth or accuracy of the above story).
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