Review: Stoppard The Real Inspector Hound; Bartlett Contractions
As ever it’s a more worthwhile production than several professional ones we’re likely to see.
Review: Stoppard The Real Inspector Hound; Bartlett Contractions
As ever it’s a more worthwhile production than several professional ones we’re likely to see.
Review: Eric Davidson’s Amazin Prime Parodies (26 Songs to Make the Whole World Cringe)
Parodies par excellence
Review: The Academy Trust: Under New Management!
Comedic original play with three very good performers in this snappy and on topic show!
Review: Thor the Walrus
It’s a rare sort of comedy that lulls you with laughs and then slaps awake from your warm duvet of manufactured consent and reusable Sainsbury bags.
Review: Art of Selling Out
Want to sell out your Fringe show? Grab a drink and a laugh with Jacki Thrapp for some unusual advice.
Review: 1979
Political history told in Mamet-fast satire, imagined conversations and accurate stats. What could be more thrilling? 82 minutes later you won’t ask why this three-hander is like curing New Year’s hangover with Red Bull, ice, something illegal and a vodka chaser.
Review: Rosie Holt – That’s Politainment
Contemporary political satire that invites people to laugh less and think more.
Review: Babs for Life
You got to pick a scandal or two, solo show of fantastic political commentary.
Review: NSFW
A stunning vindication of an underrated early play of Lucy Kirkwood’s. With superb direction and tech, the mostly professional and professionally-trained cast would grace any stage. NVT triumphantly prove NSFW can join the modern canon.
Review: Can’t Pay? Won’t Pay!
A cost-of-living revolution in St James Street? You’d better believe it as Triada Theatre kick off the weekend with Dario Fo’s 1974 Can’t Pay? Won’t Pay! at the Lantern Theatre. Superb, energised theatre, rough occasionally, but mostly very-well performed, imaginatively staged, rapturously received. Now get out on the streets.
Review: Out of the Frying Pan
If you know Judy Upton as a playwright you might have an inkling what to expect in this debut fiction. Witty, observant, self-deprecating, very funny, full of subversive glee, with its own moral field. I’d put nothing past this extremely gifted writer
Review: Heathers
Sometimes the dark is light enough. Meanwhile enjoy an exceptional cast and talent you’ll long to see again in something finer.
Review: Living Newspaper #6
Like all the Royal Court’s Living Newspaper series, we need this. Watch what this does with the future
Review: New Moon Monologues March
Don’t be lulled by the friendly colours and fluffy fonts. Queen of Cups is absolutely a company to watch, and its showcase productions are literally unmissable
Review: Matt Forde: Brexit, pursued by a bear
A wickedly funny indictment of the state of the nation and the fools that have led us here
Review: Simon Evans: Dressing For Dinner
Stand Up’s grumpy uncle brings his acerbic and sardonic wit to bear on the modern world.
Review: The Mayor’s Debate of Tranquility, Nebraska
A darkly wry commentary on decorum in American politics
Review: White
Exposing the lunacy of hate groups, the acerbic satire will have you crying with laughter.
Review: Goats
It’s an essential drama, and an even more essential document for navigating the Syria we don’t know, that of ordinary non-opposition Syrians making the best of it and thus the worst. Perhaps a pared-down version might one day follow. It’s too good to miss for the sake of a few shaggy scenes.
Review: Steve Gribbin : Shunted Again
The train not standing at the platform won’t now be coming or going anywhere.