Edinburgh Fringe 2015
Jurassic Park
Superbolt Theatre

Genre: Comedy, Physical Theatre, Theatre
Venue: Assembly
Festival: Edinburgh Fringe
Low Down
A family of three present Jurassic Park, the film, but their own idiosyncrasies hilariously get in the way – wonderfullay entertaining physical theatre
Set in a Community Centre in Lyme Regis, Superbolt Theatre explores a family and the film of the same name. Why Lyme Regis? It’s the Jurassic capital of course! At first you think it will be about the film only, but the characters in the family of three are fans and it becomes clear that there are issues underneath their outward energy they show when mingling with the audience before the show starts. Dad – Terry, and his two teenagers Noah and Jade are a typical family, with ups and downs and they deal with any conflicts or emotional moments hilariously by playing out moments from the film.
On a stage surrounded by plastic potted plants the characters switch back and forth with repartee as they get into humorous situations and act out clips from the film. If you are a Jurassic Park fan you will love this because the physical actors are wonderful at inventive mimicry – dinosaurs, characters, special effects, they do the lot and they do it very well. If you don’ t know the film you will still enjoy this show because the focus is on the idiosyncrasies of this family. The characters are comedic but real, and are fully fleshed out so they could deal with anything from the audience, in character – the jolly dad, the super keen son and the daughter with an attitude.
They have a clever way of setting the audience up by talking about something with anticipation until it explodes when something unexpected (to the audience) happens. Their humour is witty and character driven with great attention to detail such as using accents, or melding their own character traits as they perform everything to the fullest. Each actor gives 100% and the performance is well crafted and spontaneous.
Their quality of movement is wonderful, they are flexible and bendy and create so many things physically. There are also some surprising emotional outbursts, which add depth to the characters but are amusing because of how they each react. Incorporating comedy, physical theatre, imagination and a lot of inventiveness, Jurassic Park is playful and creative and very entertaining, masterfully done!