Welcome to our coverage of Hollywood Fringe which is now over for 2019.
The Fringe has a rich and exciting programme across all of the genres.
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Guy Picot’s (In no particular order) Hollywood Fringe Top Ten
Our Hollywood Fringe editor, pundit, film, TV and theatre writer Guy Picot plunges into the rich Hollywood Fringe programme and manages ro resurface with a few choice picks…
A woman awakens from hypnotherapy and remembers all of her past lives. And that her therapist has been the love of her life in every lifetime. Transference tells the story of a woman hoping to get it right, and that this life won’t end in one of their premature deaths.
We all go to the woods for our own reasons. Imogen wants Frederick’s love. He wants to see a rare bird. Toby wants to find herself. Ranger Dave wants to help. Bear needs everyone to please remain calm. Nine crowded campers will take you to the campfire to ponder loneliness, gender, and great snacks.
You have been chosen as a candidate for deep-space travel. Your destination: the nearest known habitable planet, trillions of miles from Earth. The trip will be long, and the spacecraft’s life support systems can only accommodate one human being. But you will not be alone.
You learn to survive quick when you’re being dragged behind a team of sled dogs. A comedy about a girl and her dogsled team navigating the rocky terrain of growing up and her quest to become the alpha of her own pack.
In 1980, Lee Atwater was a scrappy Southern strategist. By 1990, he’d changed American politics forever. A year later, he was dead. A new play about the legacy of the Bad Boy of the GOP, from the creators of HFF18 hits “Keeping Up With the Prozorovs” and “A Beast/A Burden”.
Brian and Rachel were the perfect couple and seemed destined to live happily ever after. But that was a long time ago and life got in the way of those dreams. Tonight, they meet in their old romantic spot for one last night together. Is there still hope for them after all these years?
Like a lot of people today, jaded campaign manager Tess Baker (think Jessica Jones meets Josh Lyman) is sick of politics. She’s just about ready to throw in the towel when somebody wakes up a candidate she can work with – Abraham Lincoln.
Mickey Rooney’s yellow-face performance in Breakfast at Tiffany’s is infamous for its lack of cultural sensitivity. But was there ever a way he might have pulled it off? An Asian actor tries to find out in this solo performance.
“Every day’s a goddamn audition.” Based on the “Serial Killers” 2018 Playoffs winner, COME BACK is the hilarious yet touching story of Edie and Petey Stevenson, an overbearing stage mother and her hapless son, attempting to stage a “comeback” performance.
When an Asian girl tells her parents she doesn’t want to be a doctor anymore, she wishes on a shooting star for supportive white parents. 30 min comedy musical. Book and lyrics by Joy Regullano. Directed by Frank Caeti. Music by The Sam & Tony Show.
Keyword Chaos at Hollywood Fringe
Here is our quirky and intuitive way to find a show to see at Hollywood Fringe.
We’re trawling the program and pulling out intriguing and inspiring phrases from the show descriptions.
How it works: Click on a sentence or a phrase that draws you, and then get booking…
We’ll be adding more keyword chaos to this list throughout the Fringe.
Link Collage
A new visual way to explore Hollywood Fringe.
Simply click on an image to reveal details of a recommended show.
Follow your artistic instincts…
We’ll be adding more linked images to this list throughout the Fringe.
More to come.