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Edinburgh Fringe 2009

Pappy’s Fun Club: World Record Attempt – 200 Sketches In A Hour

Pappy's Fun Club

Venue: Pleasance Courtyard


Low Down

A face-paced comedy show from four very talented performers, Pappy’s Fun Club bring their unique blend to the Pleasance Courtyward.


Oh, come on: It must be time for the Pappy backlash to begin, surely? We must have said enough great and gushing things about them, must have told you enough times that you need to see them before you die, that sort of thing. Surely they’re beginning to get tired, to run out of invention?

Well, of course not. There’s an infectious glee, mixed in with a knowing dry wit: often the audience are included in the gag as the boys talk to us, and take us through their intentions for the evening. If there was any justice, this chatting to the crowd would come across as self indulgent and boring. Instead, it’s simply part of the gag, a pretence that they don’t know what’s going on: There continues to be this very pleasing sense from the group that they’re not entirely sure how things are going to pan out, that the resolution of their own sketches are a source of constant surprise to them.
It would be churlish and unfair to even hint at the nature of the sketches that are contained within the hour: a lot of the joy is the reveal of the gag, as clever and silly as they might be. But there’s a great deal of inventiveness and joy to be witnessed here.
And do they manage the world record? Well, for that, we would have to refer you to the cliché You’ll Just Have To Go See For Yourself. But in a hour, they do manage to stuff in a great deal of laughter, songs, romance, somewhat special effects, and even some invaluable advice for any reviewers who happen to find themselves sitting on the front row. Join the club.
