Browse reviews

Edinburgh Fringe 2010

Delete The Banjax And You!

Delete The Banjax

Genre: Comedy

Venue: Pleasance Courtyard


Low Down

So, do we really need yet another perky, cheeky and silly sketch group? Surely the likes of Pappy’s and We Are Klang have it all covered, right? The question is a misleading one, because it assumes that there’s a finite amount of appetite for sketch comedy, that, just because you’ve seen one group, your allegiance is set, and you can’t possibly have room in your heart for another. That, of course, is nonsense. Sketch comedy (say it quietly, or you might break the spell) appears to be undergoing something of a long overdue renaissance at the moment, and part of the reason is groups like Delete The Banjax.


‘Look at their faces, look at their nonplussed faces’, one of the group comments of the audience after an early, surreal sketch. This is a hour of playful, confident and quick-fire comedy, although the team should be aware that to the jaded, cynical or simply downright suspicious, laughing on stage looks tremendously like scripted corpsing. Not that we’d blame them: there are some very cute gags here, including what happens after a superhero saves you, and the real cost of refusing to do any work whatsoever during your lunch break.

We were saying earlier that there’s quite a few sketch groups around at the moment, and, not only that, but a startling amount of them are pretty damn good. What then is required to set your stall as different from the rest is a distinct personality. In the case of DTB, that hasn’t necessarily happened yet – we feel that we’ve seen this kind of team before: the preppy one, the over-excited one, the frizzy haired one, the, uh, female one – but they have charm enough amongst them, and with tighter screws on sharper sketches, there’s every reason that this team should be able to share toys with every other young sketch group on the circuit.
