Edinburgh Fringe 2022
Weegie Hink Ae That?

Genre: Comedy, Sketch Comedy
Venue: Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose - Dram
Festival: Edinburgh Fringe
Low Down
Songs and mayhem from three likely lads who investigate, amongst many other things, Scotrail, tattie scones, Toryettes, the seagulls of Aberdeen, robbing the genie, Gary the gnome, Scottish stereotypes, how sheep fight back, arseholes, auditions, Para Pete or Pishy Pete, the Hoagie – a Scottish version, Scotch pies and Where are Ye From? It’s an hour of song, sketches and simply laughter.
I laughed throughout – yer meant tae.
There are highlights in the material which make this work extremely well. I loved the audition, the seagulls of “old” Aberdeen, Toryettes makes a welcome return, robbing the genie – pure genius, and Where are ye from? This is a team who have found their comfort in what they do. That is because they do it so, so well but also because they can transfer what they see and find funny into what we view and find hilarious. The topics are authentic because we all know about being the Scottish stereotype. There are a couple of less successful we numbers – Scotrail is a bit regional, Gary the gnome has more to deliver, and Para Pete too could have more drawn from it whilst the stabbing scene at the bus stop has all too familiar echoes. There are not any real running gags – Toryettes and dropping yer pants aside – and I would love to see a year in the life of any one of them having to see a Careers Advisor in their last year of school. There is much still to come from them – no bad thing.
And they perform it so well. This is a group who can work a room and do so with charm and style. If you think their broad accents are difficult to understand, ask the Americans in the audience who whooped, hollered and lapped up every word. Starved of the opportunity to swear on TV and be who they authentically could be, they applauded the freedom – not just as a desirable climax to physical engagement – of the words being used onstage. The way they handled the crowd was assured – especially when asking where people came from, and they had to manage the responses like at school. Shows great maturity as performers. They are also enjoying themselves. You can feel their energy as a team, and it makes all the difference. They laugh at their own mistakes, treat everything as an opportunity and whilst no team are always happy with each other, they show that at their core they care deeply about the material because they find it funny.
The structure of any sketch show is going to be an up and down ride – don’t pardon the expression – and they clearly know where to take their audience, drop them at their destinations and then pick them up again on the laughter rollercoaster. Fact is they are just funny.
The venue was a struggle as, like many in Edinburgh this year, you have to squeeze the audience dry at the end and the audio bleed from next door was unhelpful. They started too loud but swiftly the technician skilfully dropped the volume so we could all hear. Very welcome.
Culturally their impact will be measured by some against the likes of Kevin Bridges, Connolly, even Naked Video/Radio, but it is stupid to even try. They have a style which is all of their own. It builds upon the traditions of the past but is not dependent upon them. They are original and for a team of comedians making their way, they have clearly used lockdown well. They are slick and happy to work you into trying not to chew the carpet when laughing – just make sure your dentures are ready. Gregor, Conor and Elliot have already got much to give, there, I believe, is more to give, but given the evidence on hand, there is plenty of hope that we have a very original and highly skilled group that will not fail to deliver… or give. And ah pure cannae wait…